
Anda Pengunjung ke....

Senin, 17 November 2008


On one the day in one piece of home who lux to live to human being grils that is name Yanti and Santi.Yanti is alone gril who good moderate is Santi to have the character of who bad.On one the day Yanti to watering is flower and Santi will to nag Yanti.Santi now sit in class 2 SMP and Yanti sit in 6 SD.Santi very happy to nag Yanti but no menanggapinya moderate Yanti people who clever.Mother Yanti to order Yanti buyed eat in iitle shop but money errand Mother in to take Santi profit Yanti still to own money Yanti tp report to Mother that money my Mother to take by Santi.Mother to be angry whit Santi but Santi not to wants to admit Santi who to accuse Yanti who to take money my Mother several a day afterward incident that demolished by Mother to pass Santi in law and Santi in law mengepel part entire home Santi to order Yanti mengepel but Yanti to refuse, because Yanti not to wants, because Yanti not sold out wrong but Santi compulsion, to pass Santi and Yanti to quarrel to pass Yanti lose a moment Yanti work my Mother to see each other.To pass law to Santi in more, Santi is angry she is to strike Yanti and my Mother to help Yanti result to so that my Mother and Yanti to enter HOSPITAL.Santi to ask for forgiveness to Yanti and my Mother, she is to regret and she is to promise not shall to repeat more.

The end

Abdul Aziz,Azam,Rizki,Sylva,Yovi,Sarah.N.

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