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Senin, 10 November 2008

Haunted house

Once upon a time in luxurior house.that house have three floor,live rich busines man.he is like plants,he is have two child,he is like take care of a fish,he is collect many expensive car,he is take care every ear,he is put the car in the big garage,but the garage is not enough for put all the cars,he is put the car in the yard,he is have a lot of assistent,he is have seoret door to he make swimming pool,he is have two swimming pool,he very like rabbit,rabbit it's very like carrot,one day the carrot is through,finally the rabbit is dead,because he is rich he is have fife wife,in teh yard is many plants,he is wife is very beautiful,he is have dipirent charactheristic,one of his wife jeaolus charactheristic,the other wife have good charactheristic,one of his wife is JANE,in three floor three is a room never use,that is secret room of the rich bussines man,in that room there is a plants,the plants is very beautiful,one day Jane angry and throw the plants to the swimming pool,the rich bussines man angry and divorce Jane,Jane tired and kill self,the rich bussines man hunted by Jane,Jane ghost kill the rich bussines man and foure he is wife,finnaly they called that house hunted house.

==== indonesian version===============
Pada suatu hari di sebuah runah yang megah,rumah itu berlantai tiga,tinggalah seorang saudagar kaya ia menyukai tanaman,ia mempunyai dua orang anak,ia juga suka memelihara ikan,ia mempunyai mobil banyak,mobil-
nya semua du urus,mobil itu ia taruh di garasi yang besar,tapi garasi itu kurang besar untuk memuat mobilnya,ia pun mermarkir sisa mobilnya dilapangan,ia mempunyai pembantu yang sangat banyak,ia juga mempunyai pintu rahasia dia membuat kolam berenang,koloam berenang itu ada dua,ia sangat menyu-
kai kelinci,kelinci itu sangat menyukai wortel.Pada suatu hari wortel itu habis dan akhirnya kelinci itu mati,karena ia kaya ia mempunyai lima orang istri,
dihalamanya banyak sekali tanaman,kelima orang istrinya sangat cantik-cantik,kelima istrinya mempunyai sifat yang berbeda,salah satu istrinya mempunyai sifat yang sangat iri,istrinya yang lain ada juga yang bersifat baik,salah satu istrinya bernama JANE,dilantai tiga ada sebuah kamar yang tidak pernah dipakai,itu adalah kamar rahasia saudagar,dikamar itu ada tanaman-tanamanya sanagat indah,suatu hari Jane kesal dan melempar tanamanya kekolam berenang,saudagar pun marah dan langsung menceraikan Jane,Jane sedih dan bunuh diri,saudagar kaya itu dihantui oleh Jane.hantu Jane itu pun membunuh saudagar kaya tersebut dan keempat istrinya pun dibunuh juga,dan akhirnya rumah itu pun di sebut RUMAH HANTU


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