once upon the time, in from of the president's residence. there is two girls while walk.they are is Sinta and Chintya. they are is a sister hut. suddenly, Sinta fall, chintya help her to stand up.then there walk. they are climb on to car. suddenly, seen blood flow swift. they are suddenly meet president, and president help him. president take along Sinta and Chintya go to hospital vicinity. Sinta, stay over night in the hospital. Sinta have operation upon, sinta scream AW AW AW !!!!! cost operation guaranteed by president. Sinta must story teller one week for cure operation.because wound Sinta is seriously. after heal sinta return to home.
on moment return sinta clash yet. from wound sinta go out blood yet. so that sinta weep and chintya also take with sinta to hospital. so that leg in operation yet. after in operation sinta critical during one moon. chintya feel bewildered. because no own money for cost.
to be someone man, want to help him. his name is Mr. joko. that man is so nice and rich. and then he is so generous, and he is giving half past of his riches. past sinta live in Mr. joko house. Mr. joko want to propose him. chintya sad and dim of her house to world limit. and sinta search him and Mr. jiko follow sinta.
finally chintya found in Bogor. chintya found with sintabut Mr. joko gone i don't know where. there just want to life together.
Gina's Group
Anda Pengunjung ke....
Sabtu, 29 November 2008
Selasa, 25 November 2008
I want to be reporter in the future who like live news or creaction because become reporter that very please I abble more know various insight this happen in circle that reporter is some body that gover news in various agenda like for in television or in mass media and in wall magazine.
Anggy Maharani
Anggy Maharani
Senin, 24 November 2008
I want to be doctor in the future because she like to help peoples.
Doctor can be to cure peoples.
Doctor is good people.
Doctor always present in the hospital.
The doctor able to rescuer my life and doctor rescuer many peoples.
Doctor is very good and smart.
Febriana Indryawati
SMP Negeri 3 Bogor
( 7 H )
Doctor can be to cure peoples.
Doctor is good people.
Doctor always present in the hospital.
The doctor able to rescuer my life and doctor rescuer many peoples.
Doctor is very good and smart.
Febriana Indryawati
SMP Negeri 3 Bogor
( 7 H )
I Want to be a Scientist in the future
I want to be a Scientist because I want to make an experiment about
animals. Obviously to become a Scientist is difficult but easy but
have to responsibility about it.
By : Aliifah
I want to be a Scientist because I want to make an experiment about
animals. Obviously to become a Scientist is difficult but easy but
have to responsibility about it.
By : Aliifah
Minggu, 23 November 2008
Harni Nadya Fasya
I want to be doctor, because I able to save when the people sick.
When there is no doctor, we will not heal and we will sick.For me,
doctor is good rescue and keep people alive.Doctor already save many
life.Doctor will sad when medical patient not saved.Doctor is very good.
I want to be doctor, because I able to save when the people sick.
When there is no doctor, we will not heal and we will sick.For me,
doctor is good rescue and keep people alive.Doctor already save many
life.Doctor will sad when medical patient not saved.Doctor is very good.
I want to be reporter in the future who like live news or creaction because become reporter that very please I abble more know various insight this happen in circle that reporter is some body that gover news in various agenda like for in television or in mass media and in wall magazine.
Anggy Maharani
Anggy Maharani
Sabtu, 22 November 2008
The doctor
I want to be the band drumer in the future

Name : Ahmad Ardhi Faisal
Class : 7h
I wan't to be a drumer at the band because, i like playing drum. I like music rock, slow rock, hard core, skate-rock, pop and rap. I do not like music rock 'n' roll and hip-hop. I like band SlipKnot, Trivium, As I Lay Dying, Superman is Dead, Blink 182 and MXPX ( Musix Punx ). I like song's from Blink 182 is "I miss U", from SlipKnot is "Before I Forget", from Trivium is "A Gun Shoot To The Head of Terpidation", from As I Lay Dying is "94 hour's", from Superman is Dead is "Kuta Rock City" and from MXPX is "Punk Rawk Show"
Senin, 17 November 2008
On one the day in one piece of home who lux to live to human being grils that is name Yanti and Santi.Yanti is alone gril who good moderate is Santi to have the character of who bad.On one the day Yanti to watering is flower and Santi will to nag Yanti.Santi now sit in class 2 SMP and Yanti sit in 6 SD.Santi very happy to nag Yanti but no menanggapinya moderate Yanti people who clever.Mother Yanti to order Yanti buyed eat in iitle shop but money errand Mother in to take Santi profit Yanti still to own money Yanti tp report to Mother that money my Mother to take by Santi.Mother to be angry whit Santi but Santi not to wants to admit Santi who to accuse Yanti who to take money my Mother several a day afterward incident that demolished by Mother to pass Santi in law and Santi in law mengepel part entire home Santi to order Yanti mengepel but Yanti to refuse, because Yanti not to wants, because Yanti not sold out wrong but Santi compulsion, to pass Santi and Yanti to quarrel to pass Yanti lose a moment Yanti work my Mother to see each other.To pass law to Santi in more, Santi is angry she is to strike Yanti and my Mother to help Yanti result to so that my Mother and Yanti to enter HOSPITAL.Santi to ask for forgiveness to Yanti and my Mother, she is to regret and she is to promise not shall to repeat more.
The end
Abdul Aziz,Azam,Rizki,Sylva,Yovi,Sarah.N.
The Two Sister

Once upon a time, in the home live two sister. Their name is Yanti and Santi. Yanti is the nice girl, while Sinta is the bad girl. Once upon a day Yanti order from his mother to buy food in the market place, but Santi take over the money. Advantage Yanti still have the money. Arrived at home, Yanti said to her mom above the event. Santi punnish from her mom, becaus, she take over the money. Her mom said Santi must field the floor. Santi order Yanti to field the floor. But Yanti don’t care, because Yanti not fault . But Santi constant order Yanti to field the floor. Finaly Yanti field athe floor. When Yanti field the floor, she detected by her mom. Punnish for Santi is add. Santi order from her mom to sweep the floor, as punish add Santi is angry ad beating Yanti. But her mom help Yanti for opponent Santi. Santi determined attack her mom too. Consqunse from that event, Yanti and her mom in to the hospital. Santi please to her mom and Yanti forgive . She regret to attack they. Santi promise don’t do repeat again .
- Dewa Rakmatullah
- Anggi
- Dhiar
- Siti Rubiah
- Devi
- Rizki Nugraha
Santi and Yanti

At one day on a luxurious house, stay 2 girls on there. Name’s of the girls Yanti and Santi. Yanti has a heart of gold and Santi has a heart of bad.
At one day, Yanti is pouring the flowers on the garden and Santi want to disturb it.
Now, Santi at 2 class SMP 2 and Yanti at 6 Primary School. Santi like to disturb Yanti, but Yanti only be quiet. So Yanti is smart girl.
At one day, their mother was command to Yanti to buy a lot of foods on the shop, but Santi take over the money for it.
Its lucky , Yanti has a lot of money. Yanti tell to her mother about it. Her mother be angry with Santi but Santi not recognize about it.
So Santi accuses with Yanti be take over money of her mother.
Some day later after the happened it, her mother just know about it then her mother give a punishment to Santi.
The punishment is swobed up all of her home. Santi is give command to Yanti to swobed up all of her home but Yanti refuses because she cant commanded by Santi.
Santi is not to erring, but Santi shame into doing. Then quarrel happened between Yanti and Santi , finally defered to Yanti .
Yanti is sweeping up on the floor while her mother knew if Yanti to did it.
Therefore, her mother give more punishment for Santi.
Because that Santi be angry and belaboured to Yanti , but her mother helps Yanti to oppose to Santi. So Santi determined her mother .Then Yanti and her mother stay for some days on the hospital cause that happened.
Finally,so Santi make appologize to her mother and Yanti. She has been regret to them. Santi promised will be never to do it again.
Nama :
* Febriana Indryawati
* Siti Alifah
* Putriani Utami
* M. Nazmi Nafiz
* M. Mukhsin
* Rama
Kelas : 7 H SMPN 3 Bogor
Rabu, 12 November 2008
Once upon a time, In a luxurious house. That house has three ground. Live a rich trader. He loves plants. He has two child. And he love to care fishes. He has many car. That all cars are to arrange by all people. He take the cars in a big garage. But that garage is too small for his car. And he take the care in the garden. He has many servant. He has a secret door too. He make swimming pools. He has two swimming pools.
He very lovers rabbits. The rabbits are love carrots. One day the carrots were finished. And then the rabbits is death. Because he rich he has five wife. In the garden three are so many plants. His wife's so pretty. His five wife have a different characteristic. One of his wife has a jealous characteristic. And the other wife has a good characteristic. One of his wife name is Jane.
In third ground, there a room who never learn used. That is traders secrete room. In that room these is a plant. That is a beautiful plant. One day, Jane is angry and divorced her. Jane sad and kill her self. And Janes ghost come to that rich trader. Janes ghost kill that rich trader and Be kill her four wife. And then, the house called haunted house.
Sixth group :
Menber :
Ulfah Nur Aini Amahoru
Dayana Zulfadilah Intan
Maudina Nurgustiani
Nurisya febriyanti
Andri Maulana
Muhamad Fadhil
He very lovers rabbits. The rabbits are love carrots. One day the carrots were finished. And then the rabbits is death. Because he rich he has five wife. In the garden three are so many plants. His wife's so pretty. His five wife have a different characteristic. One of his wife has a jealous characteristic. And the other wife has a good characteristic. One of his wife name is Jane.
In third ground, there a room who never learn used. That is traders secrete room. In that room these is a plant. That is a beautiful plant. One day, Jane is angry and divorced her. Jane sad and kill her self. And Janes ghost come to that rich trader. Janes ghost kill that rich trader and Be kill her four wife. And then, the house called haunted house.
Sixth group :
Menber :
Ulfah Nur Aini Amahoru
Dayana Zulfadilah Intan
Maudina Nurgustiani
Nurisya febriyanti
Andri Maulana
Muhamad Fadhil
Selasa, 11 November 2008
Beheng Story
Kisah Beheng
Di sebuah lembah yang indah ada sebuah rumah yang sangat mewah. Di dalamnya terdapat benda-benda yang berharga tinggi. Tapi tidak ada kamar mandinya. Di dalam kamarnya tidak terdapat tempat tidur. Tetapi banyak hantu. Di dalamnya terdapat lukisan antik. Kaca-kacanya pun pecah. Di dalam rumah terdapat patung Budha. Di rumah itu tidak ada pintunya. Setiap malam terdengar suara serigala. Ternyata penghuninya hanyalah kucing. Pemandangan di sekitar rumah itu sangat indah. Setiap pengunjung yang datang selalu memberi makan kucing tersebut. Hamper setiap hari selalu ada hujan dan petir. Di rumah itu tidak ada atapnya. Di dalamnya terdapat tikus. Rumah itu tidak ada temboknya. Di rumah itu ada gorilla. Di rumah itu tidak ada lantainya. Rumah itu sangat menyeramkan. Lantainya sangat kotor sekali. Dan semua itu hanya mimpi. Pagi-pagi ibu membangunkanku. Ternyata aku mengompol dan berak di celana. Lalu aku pergi ke kamar mandi. Setelah keluar kamar mandi aku melihat jam ternyata aku sudah terlambat pergi ke sekolah. Aku masih teringat mimpi yang menyeramkan itu. Ternyata mimpi itu bukan khayalan. Ternyata aku sedang melayang. Ketika aku sedang melayang aku bertemu manusia planet. Nama manusia planet itu bernama Beheng. Neheng berasal dari planet monyong bahe. Dan ternyata sekolahku di serang oleh manusia monyong bahe. Wajah Beheng itu sangat buruk. Dia bukan menyerang sekolah tapi ingin mendaftar sekolah. Dan itu hanya khayalanku saja. Ternyata yang membangunkanku wajahnya seperti Beheng. Dan aku bangun menuju meja makan. Setelah makan aku mandi.
===== English Version ======
In valley a very beatifull dale. There is a very luxuriant house. In it there are high valuable object. But there no its bathroom. In it room cannot bed but many its spectre. In it there are antique painting. It’s glass even also break. In it there is not it’s door. Every night is always heard by wolf voice. In the reality it’s d;weller only cort.view at home that is very beatifull. Every in coming visitor always feed the cat. Nearly very days to be rain and thunder boh. That by home that not ruff. Inside can so much mouse. Home that not to be wall. Inside home that evident to be gorilla. That by home not to be ground. Thouse to stand on envery home. Very ground soilet. Evident that but is dream. Very-very days mother to set up me. The rill I piss and poop. Next I go toilet. After exit from bathroom I to see clock evident I late go to school. I satty to remember the dream which scary that.evident that dream is not ilussion. Evident I while fly. When I fly I to come alien. The name alien is Beheng. Beheng evident to come from planet monyong bahe and evident my school for attack of aliens from monyong bahe planet. Beheng face is very bad. He not attaked my school. On the contrary to register school and that is my ilussion. Evident which to wake up me the face is a Beheng. And I wake up to eat table. After eat I take a bath.
Di sebuah lembah yang indah ada sebuah rumah yang sangat mewah. Di dalamnya terdapat benda-benda yang berharga tinggi. Tapi tidak ada kamar mandinya. Di dalam kamarnya tidak terdapat tempat tidur. Tetapi banyak hantu. Di dalamnya terdapat lukisan antik. Kaca-kacanya pun pecah. Di dalam rumah terdapat patung Budha. Di rumah itu tidak ada pintunya. Setiap malam terdengar suara serigala. Ternyata penghuninya hanyalah kucing. Pemandangan di sekitar rumah itu sangat indah. Setiap pengunjung yang datang selalu memberi makan kucing tersebut. Hamper setiap hari selalu ada hujan dan petir. Di rumah itu tidak ada atapnya. Di dalamnya terdapat tikus. Rumah itu tidak ada temboknya. Di rumah itu ada gorilla. Di rumah itu tidak ada lantainya. Rumah itu sangat menyeramkan. Lantainya sangat kotor sekali. Dan semua itu hanya mimpi. Pagi-pagi ibu membangunkanku. Ternyata aku mengompol dan berak di celana. Lalu aku pergi ke kamar mandi. Setelah keluar kamar mandi aku melihat jam ternyata aku sudah terlambat pergi ke sekolah. Aku masih teringat mimpi yang menyeramkan itu. Ternyata mimpi itu bukan khayalan. Ternyata aku sedang melayang. Ketika aku sedang melayang aku bertemu manusia planet. Nama manusia planet itu bernama Beheng. Neheng berasal dari planet monyong bahe. Dan ternyata sekolahku di serang oleh manusia monyong bahe. Wajah Beheng itu sangat buruk. Dia bukan menyerang sekolah tapi ingin mendaftar sekolah. Dan itu hanya khayalanku saja. Ternyata yang membangunkanku wajahnya seperti Beheng. Dan aku bangun menuju meja makan. Setelah makan aku mandi.
===== English Version ======
In valley a very beatifull dale. There is a very luxuriant house. In it there are high valuable object. But there no its bathroom. In it room cannot bed but many its spectre. In it there are antique painting. It’s glass even also break. In it there is not it’s door. Every night is always heard by wolf voice. In the reality it’s d;weller only cort.view at home that is very beatifull. Every in coming visitor always feed the cat. Nearly very days to be rain and thunder boh. That by home that not ruff. Inside can so much mouse. Home that not to be wall. Inside home that evident to be gorilla. That by home not to be ground. Thouse to stand on envery home. Very ground soilet. Evident that but is dream. Very-very days mother to set up me. The rill I piss and poop. Next I go toilet. After exit from bathroom I to see clock evident I late go to school. I satty to remember the dream which scary that.evident that dream is not ilussion. Evident I while fly. When I fly I to come alien. The name alien is Beheng. Beheng evident to come from planet monyong bahe and evident my school for attack of aliens from monyong bahe planet. Beheng face is very bad. He not attaked my school. On the contrary to register school and that is my ilussion. Evident which to wake up me the face is a Beheng. And I wake up to eat table. After eat I take a bath.
Little Ghost Story
Pada suatu hari, di depan Terminal Baranang Siang, aDA 2 orang anak perempuan, meraka sedang melihat seorang anak kecil itu sedang bermain, ia bermain dengan kakanya anak kecil itu tertabrak bis dan kepalanya bercucuran darah tangannya hilang sebelah.2 anak perempuan tadi m`bawa`y ke Rumah Sakit.Kemudian anak itu di OTOPSI, setelah di otopsi anak t`sebut dimakamkan & mengadakan tahlilan di rumah`y.Anggota keluarga lainnya di hubungi.Sopir bis t`sebut tidak mau bertanggung jawab,dan anak t`sebut menjadi arwah gentayangan.Kakak`y selalu menangisi arwah adiknya, begitu juga dgn ibu bapa`y.Arwah`y mendatangi supir bis itu ketakutan krn didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu.Ternyata arwah itu minta lampu dikuburan`y karena gelap. Sopir itu akhirnya memasang lampu di kuburan tersebut. Tapi sopir iti masih saja didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu. Lalu ia bertanya apa yang sebenarnya yang diingikan oleh arwah anak kecil itu. Anak kecil itu menjawab bahwa ia selalu ingin beri sesajen yang berisikan daingn kambing guling yang berasal dari kambing betina. Arwah itu pun meminta supaya supir bis itu di eksekusi oleh si arwah. Ia pun menyanggupi karena ketakuatn akan didatangi lagi. Sopir itu minta di eksekusi di atas kuburan dan arwah anak kecil itu pun menyetujuinya. Lalu anak kecil titu meminta tumbal kepala penjahat yang bernama udin. Seorang copet di terminal karena yang pernah mencopet uangnya, karena arwah anak kecil itu dendam kepadanya.akhirnya sopir tersebut memberikan apa yang arwah itu inginkan. Yaitu kepala pencopet tersebut. Sopir bi situ pun tidak lagi di terror oleh arwah anak kecil itu.
One day at baranang siang station, there were two girls. They were seeing a little boy. The boy was playing with his brother. The boy aot hit by a bus,his head was bleeding and his hand broke the two girls took the boy to the hospital and then the boys body being otoption. After the otoption the body was buried and the whole. Family is called that boy got hit and died. The bs driver is unresponsible. He went run the boy being a ghost. His brother always crying.if he remember his little brother an even they parents. The ghost often come to the bus driver. Whose hit the boy. He scared so much. The that little boy gave a light at the grave,because his grave is very dark.then bus driver ask to the ghost. What really do you want? The ghost answered he want a sesajen. The sesajen is kambing guling, and the goat is a female goat. Excuted if the request is refuse. The ghost willalways come to bus driver forever. The bus driver willing the excuted on the grave of the boys grave, and the ghost have another request that. There is a pick pocker that have been pick his money in the station. He wants to revenge, to pick pocket. Finally the bus driver is executed.
Kelompok : 2
Anggota : Nur Jannah ( 7 d)
Ahmad Nurul Islam (7 d)
Mutia… (7 d)
Bellla Rachyuni (7 d)
One day at baranang siang station, there were two girls. They were seeing a little boy. The boy was playing with his brother. The boy aot hit by a bus,his head was bleeding and his hand broke the two girls took the boy to the hospital and then the boys body being otoption. After the otoption the body was buried and the whole. Family is called that boy got hit and died. The bs driver is unresponsible. He went run the boy being a ghost. His brother always crying.if he remember his little brother an even they parents. The ghost often come to the bus driver. Whose hit the boy. He scared so much. The that little boy gave a light at the grave,because his grave is very dark.then bus driver ask to the ghost. What really do you want? The ghost answered he want a sesajen. The sesajen is kambing guling, and the goat is a female goat. Excuted if the request is refuse. The ghost willalways come to bus driver forever. The bus driver willing the excuted on the grave of the boys grave, and the ghost have another request that. There is a pick pocker that have been pick his money in the station. He wants to revenge, to pick pocket. Finally the bus driver is executed.
Kelompok : 2
Anggota : Nur Jannah ( 7 d)
Ahmad Nurul Islam (7 d)
Mutia… (7 d)
Bellla Rachyuni (7 d)
Senin, 10 November 2008
Two Girls Story
Dita Ajeng Sari 7 E
One day, in front of president's castle , two girls
were walking. Their name were Shinta and Chyntia.
Suddenly, Shinta fell so Chyntia helped her to stand
backand they looked there was so much blood from
dhinta's right foot. Suddenly, they met president. And
president wanted to help them. President brought them
to the hospital. Shinta must be operated and Shinta
shot aw..aw..aw. And the operation was paid by
president. Shinta must be opnamed a week to refresh
her operation. After Shinta got better, shinta went
home. After Shinta went home, Shinta fell again and
from her hurt there was so much blood, and she was
comma for a month. Chyntia was so confused because
they didnt have money but suddenly there was a man.
His name was Mr. Joko. Mr. Joko was so kind and rich,
Because his kind he wanted to pay the operation. And
he gave a half of his rich to Chyntia and he wanted to
marry her but Chyntia was sad and confused so she went
to the end of the world. Shinta and Mr. Joko looked
for her and found her in Bogor. Chyntia was found but
Mr. Joko missedwherever they didnt know. So, they live together.
One day, in front of president's castle , two girls
were walking. Their name were Shinta and Chyntia.
Suddenly, Shinta fell so Chyntia helped her to stand
backand they looked there was so much blood from
dhinta's right foot. Suddenly, they met president. And
president wanted to help them. President brought them
to the hospital. Shinta must be operated and Shinta
shot aw..aw..aw. And the operation was paid by
president. Shinta must be opnamed a week to refresh
her operation. After Shinta got better, shinta went
home. After Shinta went home, Shinta fell again and
from her hurt there was so much blood, and she was
comma for a month. Chyntia was so confused because
they didnt have money but suddenly there was a man.
His name was Mr. Joko. Mr. Joko was so kind and rich,
Because his kind he wanted to pay the operation. And
he gave a half of his rich to Chyntia and he wanted to
marry her but Chyntia was sad and confused so she went
to the end of the world. Shinta and Mr. Joko looked
for her and found her in Bogor. Chyntia was found but
Mr. Joko missedwherever they didnt know. So, they live together.
Bus Station Tragedy
Pada suatu hari di depan terminal Baranang Siang, ada dua orang anak perempuan . Mereka sedang melihat seorang anak kecil . Anak kecil itu sedang bermain . Ia bermain dengan kakaknya . Anak kecil itu tertabrak bis . Dan kepalanya bercucuran darah . Tangannya hilang sebelah . dua anak perempuan tadi membawanya ke rumah sakit . Kemudian mayat anak itu di otopsi . Setelah diotopsi anak itu dimakamkan . Dan pengadaan tahlilan dirumahnya . Anggota keluarga lainnya di hubungi . Supir bis itu tidak bertanggung jawab . Anak itu menjadi arwah gentayangan . Kakaknya selalu menangisi arwah adiknya . begitu juga dengan ibu bapaknya . Arwahnya mendatangi supir bis itu . Supir bis itu ketakutan karena didatangi arwah anak kecil itu . Ternyata anak kecil itu meminta lampu ke kuburannya karena gelap . Supir bi situ memasang lampu di kuburan anak kecil itu . Tapi supir bis itu selalu didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu . “ apa yang sebenarnya yang diinginkan arwah anak kecil itu “ , Kata si supir bi situ . Arwah anak kecil itu menjawab , “ saya ingin selalu disesajenkan “ . Sesajennya adalah daging kambing guling . Daging kambing guling itu harus berasal dari kambing betina . Arwah anak kecil itu pun meminta supaya si supir bi situ di esekusi . Kalau tidak dia akan diesekusi oleh arwah anak itu . Ia pun menyanggupi karena ketakutan akan di esekusi oleh arwah itu . Si supir minta diesekusi di samping kuburan anak itu . Arwah itu pun menyetujuinya . Anak kecil itu pun meminta tumbal penjahat . Arwah itu menginginkan kepala penjahat . Penjahat itu bernama Udin , seorang pencopet di terminal . Karena pernah mencopet uangnya . Arwah itu ingin membalas dendam kepada pencopet . Supir itu pun memberikan kepala pencopetnya . Akhirnya supir itu diesekusi dan arwahnya menjadi gentayangan . Arwah anak kecil itu menjadi tenang . Arwah supir itu menteror semua supir bis di terminal .
On English
One day, in the Baranang Siang terminal, to have two girls. They are looked little child. The little child to play with his brother. That little child hit by bus. His head was blooded and one his hand to lose. Two girls helped to bring that little child to hospital for autopsy. That child was died. His family buried and hold ceremony pray to God. The family orchid to connect. Bus driver no respon. That soul become a ghost, his daughter always sad her son soul like that family, that soul visit tobus driver and that bus driver become scary because very dark, and bus driver install lamp grave soul. But bus driver always visited by that soul And driver ask what you wish by that soul boy. “What who in fact to desire little child ?” Word bus driver. The little child to answer, ”My always want sesajen.” The sesajen is meat of to roll goat, should from female goat. The soul ask in order bus driver to death finalty. If not, will is death finalty by little child soul. It is ability, because is will fear death finalty. The bus driver to ask death finalty side of grave little child. What which to repair wish from soul that. Soul smoll that answer she is wish always to give sacrifice. Sacrifice that is muton. Muttoon thatmost from mutton girls. Soul that to give driver bus to death sentence. If no soul smol that will kil bus driver alone. Bus drive want to death sentence because frigtenet to come again from soul smol that. Bus drive to give for death sentence up cemetry child smol that soul smol that is to permit. Soul smol that is to give sacrifice criminal soul that wish head criminality. Head criminality is name Udin some body criminal in terminal because stil to take her money soul smol that wish answer criminal that drive bus that to give head criminal that. Finaly bus drive that death sentence and soul to become ghost but soul smol that to become rilex and soul drive that is ghost all drive bus in terminal.
Nama : 1) Ines Tasia
2) Nofi Lista
3) M. Agam
4) M. Arif
5) Firli Azhar
Kelas : 7 – D
Smp : Negeri 3 Bogor
Kelompok : B. Inggris ( 5 )
Pada suatu hari di depan terminal Baranang Siang, ada dua orang anak perempuan . Mereka sedang melihat seorang anak kecil . Anak kecil itu sedang bermain . Ia bermain dengan kakaknya . Anak kecil itu tertabrak bis . Dan kepalanya bercucuran darah . Tangannya hilang sebelah . dua anak perempuan tadi membawanya ke rumah sakit . Kemudian mayat anak itu di otopsi . Setelah diotopsi anak itu dimakamkan . Dan pengadaan tahlilan dirumahnya . Anggota keluarga lainnya di hubungi . Supir bis itu tidak bertanggung jawab . Anak itu menjadi arwah gentayangan . Kakaknya selalu menangisi arwah adiknya . begitu juga dengan ibu bapaknya . Arwahnya mendatangi supir bis itu . Supir bis itu ketakutan karena didatangi arwah anak kecil itu . Ternyata anak kecil itu meminta lampu ke kuburannya karena gelap . Supir bi situ memasang lampu di kuburan anak kecil itu . Tapi supir bis itu selalu didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu . “ apa yang sebenarnya yang diinginkan arwah anak kecil itu “ , Kata si supir bi situ . Arwah anak kecil itu menjawab , “ saya ingin selalu disesajenkan “ . Sesajennya adalah daging kambing guling . Daging kambing guling itu harus berasal dari kambing betina . Arwah anak kecil itu pun meminta supaya si supir bi situ di esekusi . Kalau tidak dia akan diesekusi oleh arwah anak itu . Ia pun menyanggupi karena ketakutan akan di esekusi oleh arwah itu . Si supir minta diesekusi di samping kuburan anak itu . Arwah itu pun menyetujuinya . Anak kecil itu pun meminta tumbal penjahat . Arwah itu menginginkan kepala penjahat . Penjahat itu bernama Udin , seorang pencopet di terminal . Karena pernah mencopet uangnya . Arwah itu ingin membalas dendam kepada pencopet . Supir itu pun memberikan kepala pencopetnya . Akhirnya supir itu diesekusi dan arwahnya menjadi gentayangan . Arwah anak kecil itu menjadi tenang . Arwah supir itu menteror semua supir bis di terminal .
On English
One day, in the Baranang Siang terminal, to have two girls. They are looked little child. The little child to play with his brother. That little child hit by bus. His head was blooded and one his hand to lose. Two girls helped to bring that little child to hospital for autopsy. That child was died. His family buried and hold ceremony pray to God. The family orchid to connect. Bus driver no respon. That soul become a ghost, his daughter always sad her son soul like that family, that soul visit tobus driver and that bus driver become scary because very dark, and bus driver install lamp grave soul. But bus driver always visited by that soul And driver ask what you wish by that soul boy. “What who in fact to desire little child ?” Word bus driver. The little child to answer, ”My always want sesajen.” The sesajen is meat of to roll goat, should from female goat. The soul ask in order bus driver to death finalty. If not, will is death finalty by little child soul. It is ability, because is will fear death finalty. The bus driver to ask death finalty side of grave little child. What which to repair wish from soul that. Soul smoll that answer she is wish always to give sacrifice. Sacrifice that is muton. Muttoon thatmost from mutton girls. Soul that to give driver bus to death sentence. If no soul smol that will kil bus driver alone. Bus drive want to death sentence because frigtenet to come again from soul smol that. Bus drive to give for death sentence up cemetry child smol that soul smol that is to permit. Soul smol that is to give sacrifice criminal soul that wish head criminality. Head criminality is name Udin some body criminal in terminal because stil to take her money soul smol that wish answer criminal that drive bus that to give head criminal that. Finaly bus drive that death sentence and soul to become ghost but soul smol that to become rilex and soul drive that is ghost all drive bus in terminal.
Nama : 1) Ines Tasia
2) Nofi Lista
3) M. Agam
4) M. Arif
5) Firli Azhar
Kelas : 7 – D
Smp : Negeri 3 Bogor
Kelompok : B. Inggris ( 5 )
Haunted house
Once upon a time in luxurior house.that house have three floor,live rich busines man.he is like plants,he is have two child,he is like take care of a fish,he is collect many expensive car,he is take care every ear,he is put the car in the big garage,but the garage is not enough for put all the cars,he is put the car in the yard,he is have a lot of assistent,he is have seoret door to he make swimming pool,he is have two swimming pool,he very like rabbit,rabbit it's very like carrot,one day the carrot is through,finally the rabbit is dead,because he is rich he is have fife wife,in teh yard is many plants,he is wife is very beautiful,he is have dipirent charactheristic,one of his wife jeaolus charactheristic,the other wife have good charactheristic,one of his wife is JANE,in three floor three is a room never use,that is secret room of the rich bussines man,in that room there is a plants,the plants is very beautiful,one day Jane angry and throw the plants to the swimming pool,the rich bussines man angry and divorce Jane,Jane tired and kill self,the rich bussines man hunted by Jane,Jane ghost kill the rich bussines man and foure he is wife,finnaly they called that house hunted house.
==== indonesian version===============
Pada suatu hari di sebuah runah yang megah,rumah itu berlantai tiga,tinggalah seorang saudagar kaya ia menyukai tanaman,ia mempunyai dua orang anak,ia juga suka memelihara ikan,ia mempunyai mobil banyak,mobil-
nya semua du urus,mobil itu ia taruh di garasi yang besar,tapi garasi itu kurang besar untuk memuat mobilnya,ia pun mermarkir sisa mobilnya dilapangan,ia mempunyai pembantu yang sangat banyak,ia juga mempunyai pintu rahasia dia membuat kolam berenang,koloam berenang itu ada dua,ia sangat menyu-
kai kelinci,kelinci itu sangat menyukai wortel.Pada suatu hari wortel itu habis dan akhirnya kelinci itu mati,karena ia kaya ia mempunyai lima orang istri,
dihalamanya banyak sekali tanaman,kelima orang istrinya sangat cantik-cantik,kelima istrinya mempunyai sifat yang berbeda,salah satu istrinya mempunyai sifat yang sangat iri,istrinya yang lain ada juga yang bersifat baik,salah satu istrinya bernama JANE,dilantai tiga ada sebuah kamar yang tidak pernah dipakai,itu adalah kamar rahasia saudagar,dikamar itu ada tanaman-tanamanya sanagat indah,suatu hari Jane kesal dan melempar tanamanya kekolam berenang,saudagar pun marah dan langsung menceraikan Jane,Jane sedih dan bunuh diri,saudagar kaya itu dihantui oleh Jane.hantu Jane itu pun membunuh saudagar kaya tersebut dan keempat istrinya pun dibunuh juga,dan akhirnya rumah itu pun di sebut RUMAH HANTU
==== indonesian version===============
Pada suatu hari di sebuah runah yang megah,rumah itu berlantai tiga,tinggalah seorang saudagar kaya ia menyukai tanaman,ia mempunyai dua orang anak,ia juga suka memelihara ikan,ia mempunyai mobil banyak,mobil-
nya semua du urus,mobil itu ia taruh di garasi yang besar,tapi garasi itu kurang besar untuk memuat mobilnya,ia pun mermarkir sisa mobilnya dilapangan,ia mempunyai pembantu yang sangat banyak,ia juga mempunyai pintu rahasia dia membuat kolam berenang,koloam berenang itu ada dua,ia sangat menyu-
kai kelinci,kelinci itu sangat menyukai wortel.Pada suatu hari wortel itu habis dan akhirnya kelinci itu mati,karena ia kaya ia mempunyai lima orang istri,
dihalamanya banyak sekali tanaman,kelima orang istrinya sangat cantik-cantik,kelima istrinya mempunyai sifat yang berbeda,salah satu istrinya mempunyai sifat yang sangat iri,istrinya yang lain ada juga yang bersifat baik,salah satu istrinya bernama JANE,dilantai tiga ada sebuah kamar yang tidak pernah dipakai,itu adalah kamar rahasia saudagar,dikamar itu ada tanaman-tanamanya sanagat indah,suatu hari Jane kesal dan melempar tanamanya kekolam berenang,saudagar pun marah dan langsung menceraikan Jane,Jane sedih dan bunuh diri,saudagar kaya itu dihantui oleh Jane.hantu Jane itu pun membunuh saudagar kaya tersebut dan keempat istrinya pun dibunuh juga,dan akhirnya rumah itu pun di sebut RUMAH HANTU
Two Girls Story
once up time in front of castle 2 ladies just walk. They name Is shintya and shinta suddenly shinta fall.shintya help her to stand and then they walk.They ascend a car suddenly blood swif flow the blood from right knee shinta. sanddenly blood swift flow th blood from right knee shinta. suddenly the meet president and president help her.president bring shinta and cintya to near hospital, her must to operation. shinta scream "aw aw aw". the cost operation guarented by president. shinta must take care week to recover operation because wound shinta mortally.after recofer shintha go home, in moment shinta come home, she collide again from wond shinta out blood again, so that cry sintya and carry to hospital again. so that foot more operation.after operation shinta comma durring shintya confuse because she not own money to expenditure, suddenly there some one male which want assist.the name of his is mr.joko. he is very kind and very great rich from generous he surrender half of goods him to shinta and then shinta can health because given riches from him.Then shinta stay bat mr.joko's home.mr.joko intention propose (shinta).Shintya sad and dim from house to world extreme top. Shinta seek and mr.joko case one anothen end shintya meet by(with) shinta spite of mr.joko dissaperar not know where.They want only two of us.
Nama kelompok 5;kls 7e
-Nur azizah k
-Firna A Shafira
-Sigit tri
Nama kelompok 5;kls 7e
-Nur azizah k
-Firna A Shafira
-Sigit tri
Bus Station Tragedy
On one day, there are two daughters in Terminal Baranang Siang. They are see one little child. That child is playing. He’s play with he’s brother. The child clash bus. And he’s head blood flow. He’s hand half lost. Two danghters just now, bring the child go to Hospital. Then, the child corpse, examine by doctor for know cause that child die. After that, the child grave. And in he’s house crate legitimation. He’s family are information. The driver bus do not half answer. That child become ghost. He’s brother always crying he’s soul. Like that too with he’s father and mother. He’s soul come to that driver bus. The driver bus is very afraid because come by soul the child. Clear, that soul request lamp in he’s grave because dark. That driver apply lamp in child grave. But, the driver still direct come by that child soul. Past, child inquire, what rightly wish by that soul. The little soul answer he’s wish always the diver give sacrifice. The sacrifice is goat dutch wife meat. A goat dutch wife meat must come from a female goat. That soul request order that driver to do execution. If not, the driver as execution by that soul. The driver as to do execution because afraid as come again. The driver request execution on that child grave. That soul as witness. That child request a criminal something to prevent desease. That soul wish a criminal head. That criminal’s name is Udin one pick pocket in terminal because ever pocket picking he’s money. That soul wish take ravenge for a criminal. That driver give a criminal head. Length, that driver execution. And he’s soul become ghost. Site, the child soul become silent. And a driver soul terror whole driver in Terminal.
Indonesian Version:
Pada suat hari di depan terminal Baranang Siang ada 2 orang anak perempuan. Mereka sedang meliht seorang anak kecil. Anak kecil itu sedang bermain. Ia bermain dengan kakaknya. Anak kecil itu tertabrak bus. Dan kepalanya bercucuran darah. Tangannya hilang sebelah. Dua anak perempuan tadi membawanya ke rumah sakit. Kemudian, mayat anak itu diautopsi. Setelah diautopsi anak itu di makamkan. Dan mengadakan tahlilan di rumahnya. Anggota keluarga lainnya dihubungi. Sopir bus itu tidak mau bertanggung jawab. Anak itu menjadi arwah gentayangan. Kakanya selalu menangisi arwah adiknya. Begitu juga dengan arwah ibu-bapaknya. Arwahnya mendatangi supir bus itu. Sopir bus pun ketekutan karena didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu. Ternyata arwah itu minta lampu di kuburannya karena gelap. Sopir bus itu memasang lampu di kuburan anak kecil. Tapi, sopir bus itu masih terus didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu. Lalu si sopir bertanya, apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh arwah itu. Si arwah anak kecil itu menjawab, ia ingin selalu diberi sesajen. Sesajennya adalah daging kambing guling. Daging kambing guling itu harus berasal dari kambing betina. Arwah itu pun meminta supaya sopir itu dieksekusi. Kalau tidak, ia akan dieksekusi oleh si arwah itu. Ia pun menyanggupi Karen ketakutan akan didatangi lagi. Si sopir minta dieksekusi di atas kuburan si anak kecil. Arwah itu pun menyetujuinya. Anak itu pun meminta tumbal penjahat. Arwah itu menginginkan kepala penjahat. Penjahat itu bernama Udin seorang pencopet di terminal. Karena pernah mencopet uangnya. Arwah itu ingin membalas dendam kepada pencopet itu. Akhirnya sopir itu dieksekusi. Dan arwahnya menjadi gentayangan. Namun, arwah anak kecil itu menjadi tenang. Dan awah anak kecil itu menteror semua sopir bus di terminal.
Indonesian Version:
Pada suat hari di depan terminal Baranang Siang ada 2 orang anak perempuan. Mereka sedang meliht seorang anak kecil. Anak kecil itu sedang bermain. Ia bermain dengan kakaknya. Anak kecil itu tertabrak bus. Dan kepalanya bercucuran darah. Tangannya hilang sebelah. Dua anak perempuan tadi membawanya ke rumah sakit. Kemudian, mayat anak itu diautopsi. Setelah diautopsi anak itu di makamkan. Dan mengadakan tahlilan di rumahnya. Anggota keluarga lainnya dihubungi. Sopir bus itu tidak mau bertanggung jawab. Anak itu menjadi arwah gentayangan. Kakanya selalu menangisi arwah adiknya. Begitu juga dengan arwah ibu-bapaknya. Arwahnya mendatangi supir bus itu. Sopir bus pun ketekutan karena didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu. Ternyata arwah itu minta lampu di kuburannya karena gelap. Sopir bus itu memasang lampu di kuburan anak kecil. Tapi, sopir bus itu masih terus didatangi oleh arwah anak kecil itu. Lalu si sopir bertanya, apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh arwah itu. Si arwah anak kecil itu menjawab, ia ingin selalu diberi sesajen. Sesajennya adalah daging kambing guling. Daging kambing guling itu harus berasal dari kambing betina. Arwah itu pun meminta supaya sopir itu dieksekusi. Kalau tidak, ia akan dieksekusi oleh si arwah itu. Ia pun menyanggupi Karen ketakutan akan didatangi lagi. Si sopir minta dieksekusi di atas kuburan si anak kecil. Arwah itu pun menyetujuinya. Anak itu pun meminta tumbal penjahat. Arwah itu menginginkan kepala penjahat. Penjahat itu bernama Udin seorang pencopet di terminal. Karena pernah mencopet uangnya. Arwah itu ingin membalas dendam kepada pencopet itu. Akhirnya sopir itu dieksekusi. Dan arwahnya menjadi gentayangan. Namun, arwah anak kecil itu menjadi tenang. Dan awah anak kecil itu menteror semua sopir bus di terminal.
Chain Story: Diya Group

Pada suatu hari di sebuah rumah yang megah. Rumah itu berlantai 3. Tinggalah seorang saudagar kaya. Dia menyukai tanaman.Dia mempunyai 2 orang anak .Ia juga suka memelihara ikan. Ia mempunyai mobil banyak . Mobilnya semua di urus. Mobil itu ia taruh di garasi yang besar.Tapi garasi itu kurang besar untuk memuat mobilnya . Ia pun memarkir sisa mobilnya di halaman . Ia mempunyai pembantu yang sangat banyak . Ia juga mempunyai pintu rahasia.Dia membuat kolam berenang . Kolam renangnya itu ada dua. Ia sangat menyukai kelinci. Kelinci itu sangat menyukai wortel.Pada suatu hari wortelnya habis. Dan akhirnya kelinci itu mati. Karena ia kaya ia mempunyai 5 orang istri.Dihalamannya banyak sekali tanaman. Kelima orang istrinya sangat cantik-cantik. Kelima istrinya mempunyai sifat yang berbeda. Salah satu istrinya mempunyai sifat yang sangat iri. Istrinya yang lain ada juga yang bersifat baik. Salah satu istrinya bernama Jane. Di lantai 3 ada kamar yang tidak pernah dipakai. Itu kamar rahasia saudagar . Di kamar itu menyimpan tanaman. Tanamannya sangat indah . Suatu hari Jane kesal dan melempar tanamannya ke dalam kolam. Saudagar pun marah dan langsung menceraikan Jane. Jane sedih dan bunuh diri. Saudagar kaya itu dihantui oleh Jane. Hantu Jane pun membunuh saudagar kaya tersebut. Dan keempat istrinya pun dibunuh. Dan akhirnya rumah itupun disebut rumah hantu.
One day in luxurious house with three floors. There was a rich businessman living there. He has two kids. He likes plants. There are many plants in his yard. He also likes to take care of fish. He has some car. He puts all his cars in the garage. But the garage is not enough for the car. So he parks some of the cars in the yard. He has very much maid. He has also secret door. He has two swimming pools in his house. He likes rabbit so much. Rabbit likes carrot. One day the carrot empty and the rabbit is dead. Because he is wealthy he has five wives. The wives are very beautiful. The wives have different characteristic. Some are envious, some are kind. One of the wives is Jane. The room in the third floor is never be used. That is a merchant’s secret, in the room there is a beautiful plants. One day Jane is angry and throws the plant’s to swimming pool. The merchant’s is angry and divorces Jane. Jane is sad and kills her selves. The rich merchant’s was haunted by Jane. Jane ghost kill the rich merchant, and also the fourth wives, and at last finally the house is mentioned “the haunted house”.
1. Diya Ardita K.
2. Wista Apriliani
3. Chandra Kusuma Putra
4.Reza Faeruz
5.Azhar Slamet
6.Ali Abdurahman
Sabtu, 08 November 2008
The Story of Si Beheng

There is a luxurious house in the beautiful valley. Inside the house, there is a valuable thing, but the house have no bathroom. In the bedroom there is no bed, but there are a lot of ghosts, also there are a lot of antique paintings, broken glass, and budha’s statue.
The house also have no door but from the inside we can hear a wolf voice actually only a cat is in inside. The scenery is beautiful too. Every people who come always feed the cat. Everyday there is a rain and light. The house have no roof, no wall, and no floor. That`s why the floor is very dirty and there are a lot of mice live there and also gorillas. The house looks terrify.
In the early morning my mother wake me up. I`m so happy because it is only a dreams and I pee on my pants. I go to bathroom straight away. After I clean up myself I see the clock and it`s too late for school. I still remember my nightmare, actually it`s not a dream because i`m flying when I fly I see a man from the other planet, names “Beheng” . he come from Monyong Bahe planet. I think my school will attack by Monyong Bahe.
Beheng have ugly face unfortunately Beheng only want to joint in my school not to attack it, but everything`s just in imagination. I realize it because somebody wake me up look like Beheng. Then I get up and go to dining table when I finish my meal I take a bath.
================= original Bahasa Indonesia=====================
Di sebuah lembah yang indah ada sebuah rumah sangat yang mewah. Di dalamnya terdapat benda
-benda yang berharga tinggi. Tapi tidak ada kamar mandinya. Di dalam kamarnya tidak terdapat tempat tidur. Tetapi banyak hantunya. Di dalamnya terdapat lukisan antik. Kacanyapun pecah,didalam rumahnya terdapat patung Budha. Di rumah itu tidak ada pintunya, setiap malam selalu terdengar suara srigala. Ternyata penghuninya adalah kucing. Pemandangan sekitar rumah indah. Setiap pengunjung yang datang selalu memberi makan kucing. Hampir setiap hari ada hujan dan petir. Dirumah itu tidak ada atapnya. Didalamnya terdapat banyak tikus. Dirumah itu tidak ada temboknya. Didalam rumah itu terdapat gorila. Dirumah itu tidak ada lantainya. Rumah itu sangat menyeramkan. Lantainya sangat kotor sekali. Ternyata semua itu hanya mimpi, pagi – pagi ibupun membangunkanku. Ternyata aku ngompol dan pup di celana. Lalu aku pergi ke kamar mandi. Setelah aku kelur dari kamar mandi aku melihat jam dan sudah terlambat untuk pergi ke sekolah. Aku masih teringat mimpi yang menyeramkan itu. Ternyata mimpi itu bukan khayalan. Ternyata aku sedang melayang ketika aku sedang melayang aku melihat manusia planet. Nama manusia planetnya ” Beheng ”. Ternyata beheng berasal dari planet bahe & ternyata sekolahku diserang manusia planet monyang bahe. Wajah beheng itu sangat buruk. Ternyata dia bukan mau menyerang sekolah , tetapi ia ingin mendaftar sekolah. Tapi itu khayalan aku saja. Ternyata yg membangunkanku wajahnya seperti beheng. & aku bangun untuk pergi ke meja makan, setelah makan aku mandi
Desi Rufaida Group
Ghost Tragedy (Chain Story)
On one day, there are two daughter in front of terminal Baranag Siang.They are one small child.The child has playing.He`s is with he brother.The child clash bus.and he head bloud flow.He`s hand half lost.Two daughter just now bring that child go to hospital. then, corpse that childto do operation for easy examine cause that child leave this world.After that,that child grive.And create legitimation in he`s house.He`s family connection.The driver bus do not half answer.That child become ghost.He`s brother always crying ghost he`s brother ghost he`s brother.Like that to whit he`s mother and father.He`s ghost come to that driver bus.The driver bus, afraid because arrive by that ghost child.The ghost request lamp in he`s grave because dark.That driver bus, apply lamp in he`s child grave.Spite that driver bus still derack come to he`s driver.Past the driver inquire, what rightly the ghost wish? The litle ghost answer.He`s wishing always give sacrifice.The sacrifice is goat dutchwife meat.That goat clutch wife must respectable from female goat.That ghost ask order That driver execution.If no, the driver as execution by that ghost.The driver as to do execution because afraid as come again.The driver request execution on tht child grive.That ghost acceptance.The litle child request something to prevent disease criminal.That ghost wish a criminal head.That criminal name`s Udin the one pick pocket in Terminal.because he`s ever be stolent of something.That driver give a criminal head.At lenght that driver execution.And the soul become ghost.Spite, litle child soul become silent.And a driver soul terror whole driver in terminal.
Pada suatu hari di depan terminal Baranang Siang ada dua orang anak perempua.Mereka sedang melihat anak kecil.Anak kecil itu ,sedang bermain.Ia bermain dengan kakaknya.Anak kecil itu tertabrak bis.Dan kepala bercucuran darah.Tangannya hilang sebelah.Dua anak perempuan tadi membawanya ke Rumah Sakit.kemudian mayat anak itu di otopsi.Setelah di otopsi anak itu di makamkan.Dan mengadakan tahlilan dirumahnya.Anggota keluarganya kemudian dikabari.Sopir bis itu tidak mau bertanggung jawab.Anak itu menjadi arwah gentayangan.Kakaknya selalu menangisi adiknya.Begitu juga dengan ibu bapaknya.Arwahnya mendatangi sopir bis itu.Sopir bis itu ketakutankarena didatangi arwah anak kecil itu.Ternyata arwah itu ingin meminta lampu di kuburannya karena gelap.Sopir bis itu memasang lampu di kuburan anak kecil itu. Lalu sopir bertanya : Apa sebenarnya yang diinginkan olehmu ? Arwah kecil itu menjawab : Dia ingin selalu diberi sesajen. Sesajen itu adalah daging kambing guling. Daging kambing guling itu harus berasal dari kambing betina. Arwah itupun meminta supaya sopir bis itu dieksekusi. Kalau tidak dia akan dieksekusi oleh arwah itu. Si Sopir minta dieksekusi di atas kuburan anak kecil itu. Arwah itupun menyetujui. Anak kecil itupun meminta tumbal penjahat. Arwah itu menginginkan kepala penjahat. Penjahat itu bernama Udin Seorang pencopet di terminal. Karena pernah mencopet uangnya. Arwah itu ingin membalas dendam kepada pencopet. Sopir itupun memberikan kepala pencopet itu. Akhirnya Sopir itu dieksekusi. Dan arwahnya menjadi gentayangan. Namun arwah anak kecil itu menjadi teman. dan Sopir itu menteror semua sopir terminal.
pengirim: ghilman
kelas:VII D
Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008
My Self
name:ghilman mahardani hajran (7D)
date place birth:Bandung 24 05 1996
adress:tanah baru RT05/05
father:Drs.Ahma Yulius Usman
mother:Nina Rostiana
brother:Pandia Nauval Gardana
sister:Fauziah Ismi Desiana
favorit colour:red
movie:the mask
hobby:playing game
actor:Tora Sudiro
actrees:Nasyila Mirdad
name:ghilman mahardani hajran (7D)
date place birth:Bandung 24 05 1996
adress:tanah baru RT05/05
father:Drs.Ahma Yulius Usman
mother:Nina Rostiana
brother:Pandia Nauval Gardana
sister:Fauziah Ismi Desiana
favorit colour:red
movie:the mask
hobby:playing game
actor:Tora Sudiro
actrees:Nasyila Mirdad
Senin, 27 Oktober 2008
My Last Holiday
By Dita 7E
When holiday came, me and my family went to have picnic to the jungle. The jungle is the biggest swimming pool in our city, Bogor. When i was in Jungle, i am so excited. I played all kind of games there. The swimming pool was so big. And the food was so delicious. The place was also comfortable. So i was playing and felt so funny there. It was absolutely exciting in my life. After we were tired, we decided to go home. Before that, we took a bath in rest room. The rest rooms were so clean and smell fragnant. After that we changed our clothes with the new one ang we went go home happily.
When holiday came, i went to my aunt , aunt upi to silahturahmi because i missed them so much. My aunt's home is in Bojong Gede, so i went there by the train. I was playing with my old brother, helmi and my old sister, nia. The were so kind to me and i felt happy that i have brother and sister like them.
Second Homework
My 17th august
When august, 17th, in my home there were so many games to celebrate it. August 17th is my country's birthday. So we together are feeling happy. There were so many games like, eating crispy games, small ball games, football games, basketball games, futsal games, panjat pinang games etc. Me and my friends followed many games. And i was the winner of eating crispy games, i felt so surprised but i was happy.
When august, 17th in my home there were so many games. the games were so excited. me and my friends decided to followed as all of the games. First we decided to follow kelereng games. And i was surprised because i was the second winner. After that we follow tarik tambang games. We were so tired because our enemy was so strong but me and my friend tried to manage it all. And finally my team was the winner. I was so happy because i got many giftes.
Third Homework
My lebaran day
on october, 1st 2008 is a lebaran day. all muslim celebrated day. My family and i went to Bogor Raya mosque to pray idul fitri together. We arrive at 7.00 am and go home at 8.00 am. After in home, we said our apologize to each others. After saying apologize, we went to makam to ziarah in TPU Dreded. When me and my family arrived, there were my aunt, my uncle, my old sister, my old brother and my grandmother. But my uncle nurul hadn't come yet, so we decided to wait for him. We had been waiting for him for an hour, but he hadn't come so we decided to phone him. And he said he was in Gunung Batu and unfortunately in gunung batu, there is traffic jam. So we decided to wait him for an hour more. And finally he came with a tired face. After that we pray and go to my home to eat ketupat together.
When lebaran day came, my mother cooked ketupat, bacem soup, chicken opor and rendang. That was so delicious. And my family invited my big family and my neighbours to eat together. The food was so delicious. And after that, me with my family were playing togethet. I was so happy.
When holiday came, me and my family went to have picnic to the jungle. The jungle is the biggest swimming pool in our city, Bogor. When i was in Jungle, i am so excited. I played all kind of games there. The swimming pool was so big. And the food was so delicious. The place was also comfortable. So i was playing and felt so funny there. It was absolutely exciting in my life. After we were tired, we decided to go home. Before that, we took a bath in rest room. The rest rooms were so clean and smell fragnant. After that we changed our clothes with the new one ang we went go home happily.
When holiday came, i went to my aunt , aunt upi to silahturahmi because i missed them so much. My aunt's home is in Bojong Gede, so i went there by the train. I was playing with my old brother, helmi and my old sister, nia. The were so kind to me and i felt happy that i have brother and sister like them.
Second Homework
My 17th august
When august, 17th, in my home there were so many games to celebrate it. August 17th is my country's birthday. So we together are feeling happy. There were so many games like, eating crispy games, small ball games, football games, basketball games, futsal games, panjat pinang games etc. Me and my friends followed many games. And i was the winner of eating crispy games, i felt so surprised but i was happy.
When august, 17th in my home there were so many games. the games were so excited. me and my friends decided to followed as all of the games. First we decided to follow kelereng games. And i was surprised because i was the second winner. After that we follow tarik tambang games. We were so tired because our enemy was so strong but me and my friend tried to manage it all. And finally my team was the winner. I was so happy because i got many giftes.
Third Homework
My lebaran day
on october, 1st 2008 is a lebaran day. all muslim celebrated day. My family and i went to Bogor Raya mosque to pray idul fitri together. We arrive at 7.00 am and go home at 8.00 am. After in home, we said our apologize to each others. After saying apologize, we went to makam to ziarah in TPU Dreded. When me and my family arrived, there were my aunt, my uncle, my old sister, my old brother and my grandmother. But my uncle nurul hadn't come yet, so we decided to wait for him. We had been waiting for him for an hour, but he hadn't come so we decided to phone him. And he said he was in Gunung Batu and unfortunately in gunung batu, there is traffic jam. So we decided to wait him for an hour more. And finally he came with a tired face. After that we pray and go to my home to eat ketupat together.
When lebaran day came, my mother cooked ketupat, bacem soup, chicken opor and rendang. That was so delicious. And my family invited my big family and my neighbours to eat together. The food was so delicious. And after that, me with my family were playing togethet. I was so happy.
Senin, 01 September 2008
My Diary
Indenpendence Day
On Agust,17-2008, there was present a match on my complex .
On that match, many people did many activities such as : sack race , Panjat pinang,
eatting krupuk , etc.
The match is at 08.00 Am . I follow a sack race and I won the match. We celebrate 63 rd Independence Day.
My friend won on the match. I will follow a match again on next time.
On Agust,17-2008, there was present a match on my complex .
On that match, many people did many activities such as : sack race , Panjat pinang,
eatting krupuk , etc.
The match is at 08.00 Am . I follow a sack race and I won the match. We celebrate 63 rd Independence Day.
My friend won on the match. I will follow a match again on next time.
My Identity
Name:Frederico Tunggal
Birth/place:12 November 1995,Bogor
Address:Griya Katulampa
Favorite movie:Superman
Favorite actress:Agnes Monica
Favorite actor:Tom Welling
My Favorite color:Blue
Father Name:Suwandi
Mother Name:Linda
Brother Name:-
Sister Name:Ruth
Birth/place:12 November 1995,Bogor
Address:Griya Katulampa
Favorite movie:Superman
Favorite actress:Agnes Monica
Favorite actor:Tom Welling
My Favorite color:Blue
Father Name:Suwandi
Mother Name:Linda
Brother Name:-
Sister Name:Ruth
Jumat, 29 Agustus 2008
Independence Day
On the independent day,I stayed home then, my friend invited me to join the august 17th ‘s competion after that I followed him and registered my self too join sack race competition,but before I join the competition, there is dengwe mosquito spraying. After that,the competition wastarted.Then,my name was called.Then,when the 3rd count,I ran fast to the sack that be in front of me after I wone the sack,I jumped but when I almost arrived to the finish line, I falled and I become lose. Then,I join another competition. And that day is the happiest day that I’ve ever known
Iqbal Firdaus
Iqbal Firdaus
Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008
My diary
Independence Day
Today is August,17th 2008.This day is a special day
because we celebrate 63th independence day.Horeeee.....Eventhough its Sunday,we have to go to school for a flag ceremony.
Beside the ceremony,my school also organizing many kind of
contest.I had fun on that special day.
Bogor,August 26th 2008.
This morning,i was late.Because,i did my home work until
9.30 p.m.I was very sleepy to woke up.I think its a bad
day.But, when my teacher distributing my math test,i was
very happy.Because,I only have one false in my test.
Today is August,17th 2008.This day is a special day
because we celebrate 63th independence day.Horeeee.....Eventhough its Sunday,we have to go to school for a flag ceremony.
Beside the ceremony,my school also organizing many kind of
contest.I had fun on that special day.
Bogor,August 26th 2008.
This morning,i was late.Because,i did my home work until
9.30 p.m.I was very sleepy to woke up.I think its a bad
day.But, when my teacher distributing my math test,i was
very happy.Because,I only have one false in my test.
Independence Day
On Sunday,August 17th 2008. this day is a vacation day. but, i must go to school. because, i must to follow the ceremony at my school. in the ceremony, the students and the teachers have to follow a flag-raising, three students work together to raise the flag. the other student sing our national anthem. the title is Indonesia Raya. then the principal delivers a speech about independence. he said that we must be use full the next generation. as the student, we must fill the freedom of our nation with become a good hard student and reach the science as high as possible.
my diary
Celebration of independence day
Last Sunday was an independence day,
I woke up at 5 o'clock.
I toke a bath and prayed shubuh, after that I ate a bread, and drank milk,
And then I went to my school for following a ceremony flag,
I arrived at the school at 7 o'clock, ceremony flag was started on 07.30am
In this ceremony I surprised because, at the moment of boosting up the flag was very-very nice.
Then we sang a song. the song is "Hari Kemerdekaan" or independence day,
huuh..!! The sun made me feel so hot .But , I feel happy in this celebration.and has many competition in this day.
I feel so happy ....!!!
Last Sunday was an independence day,
I woke up at 5 o'clock.
I toke a bath and prayed shubuh, after that I ate a bread, and drank milk,
And then I went to my school for following a ceremony flag,
I arrived at the school at 7 o'clock, ceremony flag was started on 07.30am
In this ceremony I surprised because, at the moment of boosting up the flag was very-very nice.
Then we sang a song. the song is "Hari Kemerdekaan" or independence day,
huuh..!! The sun made me feel so hot .But , I feel happy in this celebration.and has many competition in this day.
I feel so happy ....!!!
Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008
My Identity
My Profile
Name : Ravena Maharawarman
Nick name : Raven
Adress : Jl Parung Banteng no 35 Bogor Timur
Religion : Islam
Hobby : Swimming, eating, watching tv
Actor : Aming
Actrees : Carissa Puteri
Father Name : Achmad Nurjaman
Mother Name : Tuti Warsiah
Brother Name : Muhammad Ragamulya Mudamulyawarman
Sister Name : None
Name : Ravena Maharawarman
Nick name : Raven
Adress : Jl Parung Banteng no 35 Bogor Timur
Religion : Islam
Hobby : Swimming, eating, watching tv
Actor : Aming
Actrees : Carissa Puteri
Father Name : Achmad Nurjaman
Mother Name : Tuti Warsiah
Brother Name : Muhammad Ragamulya Mudamulyawarman
Sister Name : None
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2008
My Diary with the English Teacher

I am very enjoy to learn English because the teacher who is very kind and like tell his friends, tell funny story so be me happy in the class. I am waiting English every week. I remember when I was in Elementary School in the first time we learn English. My English teacher is very strict man. I have the funnies him because didn’t know home work. Because that I am afraid with the English, every week I didn’t want to learn with my teacher. But now in the intermediate school at SMPN 3 we the introduce with our teacher Mr. Sopyan. He is very kind man with the cool game and his introduce his self with English. He is like to give our class with the cool home work. And, in the first time I learn with internet and browsing my identity. To day, I like very much English. Thank you Mr. Sopyan, you are my the best teacher.
Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008
My Identity

My Profile
Name : Vira Nurfitriawati
Birth/Place : Vira
Adress : Jl. Sukamulya No. 21 RT. 2/V Kota Bogor
Hobby : Swiming and Singing
Religion : Islam
Favorite Movie : Harry Potter and Madagaskar
Favorite Actress : Emma Watson
Favorite Actor : Daniel Radcliffe
Favorite Color : All Color
Father Name : Rudy Mulyadi
Mother Name : Hety Sutihat
Young Brother Name : M. Ravy Mulyadi
Sister Name : --
Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008
The Story of Me
My name is Rayina Triningsih Dharmaputra.I was born
in Bogor,on February 17th 1996.I live in Jalan Bina
Marga No.13.I like to read many kind of
stories.That's why my hobby is reading.I am a
Moslem's. Okay.Now,lets talk about movie!Do you ever
heard a movie called Harry Potter?That is my
favorite movie.Some action part of movie make me
exited. My favorite actress is Velove Vexia.And my
favorite actor is Raffi Ahmad. Their acting is very
good.Getting to know me better.If you want to know
my favorite color,it is blue and pink.More about
my self.I want to tell you about my family. My father name is Indra
Dharmaputra.And my mother name is Ambar Lestari Kadarsan Dharmaputra.I
don't have any sister in my family.But,i have two
brothers.One is older then me,name Jaka.And the
other is younger,name Adhi.I think thats all about
my self.Thank you.
in Bogor,on February 17th 1996.I live in Jalan Bina
Marga No.13.I like to read many kind of
stories.That's why my hobby is reading.I am a
Moslem's. Okay.Now,lets talk about movie!Do you ever
heard a movie called Harry Potter?That is my
favorite movie.Some action part of movie make me
exited. My favorite actress is Velove Vexia.And my
favorite actor is Raffi Ahmad. Their acting is very
good.Getting to know me better.If you want to know
my favorite color,it is blue and pink.More about
my self.I want to tell you about my family. My father name is Indra
Dharmaputra.And my mother name is Ambar Lestari Kadarsan Dharmaputra.I
don't have any sister in my family.But,i have two
brothers.One is older then me,name Jaka.And the
other is younger,name Adhi.I think thats all about
my self.Thank you.
Introduce my self Identity
Name:Diya Ardita K
Date birth\place:8 January 1996
Adress:I live in Bogor at Jl.tegal lega number seventy six
Class: VII-F
Name Father:Joko Edi Susilo
Name Mother:Jati Wahyuni
Father Job:Police
Name Sister:Jelita Febrianica
Name Brother:Oktora Candra Andika
Favorite Band:Tangga
Favorite Artist:Afgan Syah Reza
Favorite Drink:Orange Juice
Favorite Colour:Pink
Favorite Food:Fried Chicken
Favorite Subject:English
Old:Twelve years old
Date birth\place:8 January 1996
Adress:I live in Bogor at Jl.tegal lega number seventy six
Class: VII-F
Name Father:Joko Edi Susilo
Name Mother:Jati Wahyuni
Father Job:Police
Name Sister:Jelita Febrianica
Name Brother:Oktora Candra Andika
Favorite Band:Tangga
Favorite Artist:Afgan Syah Reza
Favorite Drink:Orange Juice
Favorite Colour:Pink
Favorite Food:Fried Chicken
Favorite Subject:English
Old:Twelve years old
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008
My first diary
Last Friday in my class, every student have to tell about their best experience ever, in front of the class.
I feel so nervous because this is my first time since I get in the school
Suddenly the bell is ringing,
I'm so happy; my turn is not coming yet.
I'm saved by the bell.
Almost all my friend have their return and their story is very interesting.
So I really hope, I would be prepared well next week
i think I would tell about my Independence Day experience.
Ardy 7G
I feel so nervous because this is my first time since I get in the school
Suddenly the bell is ringing,
I'm so happy; my turn is not coming yet.
I'm saved by the bell.
Almost all my friend have their return and their story is very interesting.
So I really hope, I would be prepared well next week
i think I would tell about my Independence Day experience.
Ardy 7G
My Identity
Name : Fikri Febrian
Nick Name : Fikri
Sex : Male
Age : 12 Year
School : SMP Negeri 3 Bogor, Gread : 7 - H
Address : Jl Kapten Yusuf, Cikaret Bogor, Post code : 16132
Nationality : Indonesia, Religion : Islam
Hobby : Football
Musik Instrument : Pop Rock
Name of Group Band : Slank
Favourite Food : Pizza
Favourite Fruit : Orange Juice
Father Name : Misna
Mother Name : Suadah
Thank you
Fikri Febrian
Nick Name : Fikri
Sex : Male
Age : 12 Year
School : SMP Negeri 3 Bogor, Gread : 7 - H
Address : Jl Kapten Yusuf, Cikaret Bogor, Post code : 16132
Nationality : Indonesia, Religion : Islam
Hobby : Football
Musik Instrument : Pop Rock
Name of Group Band : Slank
Favourite Food : Pizza
Favourite Fruit : Orange Juice
Father Name : Misna
Mother Name : Suadah
Thank you
Fikri Febrian
My Identity
name:Luthfi Muhaimin
Class: 7G
sex ; Male
address:IPB 2 on mercurius street number 8
religion: islam
favourite band :Blink 182 and PATD
favorite movie: shaolin soccer
favorite actress:Luna Maya
favorite actor:Tora Sudiro,Tukul Arwana
favorite color: green
father name: Djadjat Munadjat .SE
mother name: Dra.Erna usuwatun H.
brother name: Rifky Gumilar
Class: 7G
sex ; Male
address:IPB 2 on mercurius street number 8
religion: islam
favourite band :Blink 182 and PATD
favorite movie: shaolin soccer
favorite actress:Luna Maya
favorite actor:Tora Sudiro,Tukul Arwana
favorite color: green
father name: Djadjat Munadjat .SE
mother name: Dra.Erna usuwatun H.
brother name: Rifky Gumilar
Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008
My Identity
nama : Sigit Tri Ramadhan
birth/place : bogor, 12 january 1997
address : village sindang barang ciapus
hobby : sport
religion : islam
favorite movie : spiderman
favorite actor : jackie chan
favorite actres : --------------
favorite coulor : white
father name : eri ruyanto
mother name : ida widaningsih
brother : gumilang DC
sister : sherly
birth/place : bogor, 12 january 1997
address : village sindang barang ciapus
hobby : sport
religion : islam
favorite movie : spiderman
favorite actor : jackie chan
favorite actres : --------------
favorite coulor : white
father name : eri ruyanto
mother name : ida widaningsih
brother : gumilang DC
sister : sherly
My Identity
Sex : Male
Religion : ISLAM
Place and Date of Birth: BOGOR, 03-02-1996
Address : Griya Katulampa Blok D 6 No 2
Father’s Name : Sobri Effendy
Mother ‘s Name : Zaetun
Brother’s Name : Umar A.Gofur and Usman A. Hafidh
Sister’s Name : Qurrota’ayun Assyifatuz Zahro
Home Telepone : 0251-837xxxx
Father’s Job : Lecturer of IPB
Mother’s Job : Teacher of TPQ (Taman Pendidikan Quran)
Sex : Male
Religion : ISLAM
Place and Date of Birth: BOGOR, 03-02-1996
Address : Griya Katulampa Blok D 6 No 2
Father’s Name : Sobri Effendy
Mother ‘s Name : Zaetun
Brother’s Name : Umar A.Gofur and Usman A. Hafidh
Sister’s Name : Qurrota’ayun Assyifatuz Zahro
Home Telepone : 0251-837xxxx
Father’s Job : Lecturer of IPB
Mother’s Job : Teacher of TPQ (Taman Pendidikan Quran)
Jumat, 06 Juni 2008
Go To Bogor Palace
Thursday ago,me and friend go to Bogor Palace. We depart together hour 12.30. There are statue,photograph,and portrayal. We see too one thousand mirror. Not mirror is one thousand, but we shadow one thousand. There are photograph president of Indonesia from Ir.Soekarno to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. We veri happy, because can know history of Bogor Palace. After that we play together in Botanical Garden.
Nabilah Hidayati
Nabilah Hidayati
Visiting Presidential Palace
Before we go to Bogor Palace we meet together at Balai Kota.And then we registering again at Bogor Palace.After that we are going to Bogor Palace.At Bogor Palace we are looking kind properties at the room.After tour we take a photograph in front of Bogor Palace.After that we go to Botanical Garden,but i and Desi for a moment.
name:shifa femia putri
class:VII - H
number: 33
name:shifa femia putri
class:VII - H
number: 33
Selasa, 03 Juni 2008
Visiting Presidential Palace
At may 29th 2008, we have an opportunity from our English teacher to visited istana bogor. Istana Bogor was at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda Bogor. We had a goal for learned about history of Bogor where there was in Istana Bogor. There were anyroom of Istana Bogor, for example guestroom, diningroom, library, meetingroom, especially 1000 shadows mirrors, etc. Istana Bogor has clean and tidy situation. I shocked when I knew Istana Bogor had undercorous sculpture. After visited, we went out with Kebun Raya’s way because there was a rule that visitor who had gone out Istana couldn’t came back to Istana’s rooms.
Widodo Putra
Widodo Putra
Visiting Presidential Palace
In school holiday date 22 May 2008,I am and friends one class go to Bogor palace,I am there to view pictures,statues and also one thousand mirror,I am and friends very cheerful visit to there,that after I am enter to for mosque for prayer, after that I am place to about for restand eating I am to play friends together, after to play satisfied we are hurry for go home because day ready afternoon.
Visiting Presidential Palace
Few time a go we class 7h visited bogor presidental palace on 526th bogor birthday activity. When we arrivved to the palace we going arround it a ccompanied.Before we entered into the palace we given intruction by palace guide and story about the establistedof palace we see many room, art things and thousand mirror in there. We also see president picture until mr. SBY. We admired the first the crisral lamp that really beautyfull. After of we arround the palace, we are going to botanical garden. In there we playing football, eating together,and chat with the other. Wow. . . . On this day really happy. We went home at 4 o\'clock.
_Rizkia Nabila_
_Rizkia Nabila_
Visiting Presidential Palace
On Thursday, all my friends with me go to bogor palace together.We are to come together in the DPRD office.After that I to go into door palace near Zebouth church.To go into door palace moment I see many figure.The first all my friends with me to go a excessive room in bogor palace, that room is very good, in the room to be many Indonesia president picture too.After that,I see one thousand mirror and to go many room again.After that I out from Bogor palace and all my friends with me to joke and play together in the bogor palace garden, palace garden is very big.And the last all my friends with me go to botanical garden together.My friend playing football too in Botanical Garden.
Yuni Endah 7 H
Yuni Endah 7 H
Istana Bogor
By Ghina Salimah
At may 29th 2008, we have an oportunity from our english teacher
to visited Istana Bogor. Istana Bogor was at Jl.Ir.H.Juanda, Bogor.
We had goal for learned about history of Bogor where there was
in Istana Bogor, there were any rooms in Istana Bogor, guest room,
dinning room, library, meeting room, especially one thousand shadow's
mirror,ect. Istana Bogor has clean and tidy situation. I shocked when
I knew Istana Bogor had undecorous sculpture. After visited Istana Bogor
we went out with Kebun Raya's way. Because there was a rule that visitor
who had gone out istana couldn't came back to Istana rooms.
At may 29th 2008, we have an oportunity from our english teacher
to visited Istana Bogor. Istana Bogor was at Jl.Ir.H.Juanda, Bogor.
We had goal for learned about history of Bogor where there was
in Istana Bogor, there were any rooms in Istana Bogor, guest room,
dinning room, library, meeting room, especially one thousand shadow's
mirror,ect. Istana Bogor has clean and tidy situation. I shocked when
I knew Istana Bogor had undecorous sculpture. After visited Istana Bogor
we went out with Kebun Raya's way. Because there was a rule that visitor
who had gone out istana couldn't came back to Istana rooms.
Minggu, 01 Juni 2008
The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci), which was built from August 1744 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors, including also during the period of British administration. Notable occupants of the mansion include Herman Willem Deandels and Sir Stamford Raffles.
This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one story instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
I SEE....
from:shifa femia putri
This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one story instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
I SEE....
from:shifa femia putri
Visiting Presidential Palace
Last Thursday me and my friend went to Bogor Palace, Its for the first time I went there although I born and grown up on Bogor but I never be there, so its a good chance for to know Bogor better.
Inside of Palace I seen many thistorical properties like mirror one hundred shadows,long bed,table,and of course portrait our President from is Sukarno to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. I am so amazed with all the part of Bogor Palace Include room by room.
After finished all activity at Bogor Palace I went to Botanical Garden and I looked many threes and can refreshing.
Oh I never forget this time.
Nova Restu
Inside of Palace I seen many thistorical properties like mirror one hundred shadows,long bed,table,and of course portrait our President from is Sukarno to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. I am so amazed with all the part of Bogor Palace Include room by room.
After finished all activity at Bogor Palace I went to Botanical Garden and I looked many threes and can refreshing.
Oh I never forget this time.
Nova Restu
Bogor President Palace
A. Preambule
Bogor President Palace is one of 6 Presidential Palaces in Indonesia. The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural, historical, features, as well as the adjoining botanical gardens. Bogo President Palace was opened to the public in 1968 to public tour groups (not individuals), with the permission of the then President of Indonesia, Suharto. The number of visitors annually is approximately 10.000 people.
B. Structure
The gardens of the palace have an area of 284.000 square metres (28.4 hectares). The grounds of the estate contain several buildings - the largest of which is the main palace and its two wings. The main palace contains private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room, a ministers' meeting room, a theater room, and the Garuda room (for welcoming State guests). The two wings are used as the guest residences for State guests. Kebun Raya Bogor ("Great Gardens of Bogor", the Bogor Botanical Gardens) are also part of the palace grounds.
C. History
The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci), which was built from August 1744 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors, including also during the period of British administration. Notable occupants of the mansion include Herman Willem Daendels and Thomas Sir Stamford Raffles.This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one storey instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
The palace houses an extensive art collection which had been accumulated by Soekarno. A herd of spotted deer still range within the palace grounds; a group of these had originally been brought there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.
Bogor President Palace is one of 6 Presidential Palaces in Indonesia. The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural, historical, features, as well as the adjoining botanical gardens. Bogo President Palace was opened to the public in 1968 to public tour groups (not individuals), with the permission of the then President of Indonesia, Suharto. The number of visitors annually is approximately 10.000 people.
B. Structure
The gardens of the palace have an area of 284.000 square metres (28.4 hectares). The grounds of the estate contain several buildings - the largest of which is the main palace and its two wings. The main palace contains private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room, a ministers' meeting room, a theater room, and the Garuda room (for welcoming State guests). The two wings are used as the guest residences for State guests. Kebun Raya Bogor ("Great Gardens of Bogor", the Bogor Botanical Gardens) are also part of the palace grounds.
C. History
The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci), which was built from August 1744 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors, including also during the period of British administration. Notable occupants of the mansion include Herman Willem Daendels and Thomas Sir Stamford Raffles.This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one storey instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
The palace houses an extensive art collection which had been accumulated by Soekarno. A herd of spotted deer still range within the palace grounds; a group of these had originally been brought there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.
Bogor Palace
By Devira Vrizal (7i)
Bogor Palace represent one of the six President Palace of Republic Of Indonesia having special uniqueness. This special uniqueness because of historical aspect, uppermost fauna and culture. One of them is deer existence. The deer is beautiful is which conducived from Nepalese direct and remain to be awaked from first hitherto.
In this time have become trend of citizen of Bogor and its surroundings every day Saturday, other red letter day And Sunday walk- road;street of diseputaran of Palace of Bogor at the same time feed deer- beautiful deer is which live in page;yard of Palace of Bogor with carrot obtained from farmer- traditional farmer of citizen of Bogor which always in good fig vend carrot- the carrot every day holiday. Like its name, this palace located in Bogor, West Java.
Although various activity of political have is not conducted again, public khalayak of diperbolehkan visit in the entourage, previously request permit to State Secretary, c.q. Lead Presidency Domestic
So called former Palace Bogor of Buitenzorg Or Sans Souci meaning " without care".
Since year 1870 till 1942, Palace Bogor represent formal habitat from 38 Governor General of Dutch and one people of Governor General English.
In the year 1744 Governor General of Gustaaf Willem Baron Van Imhoff agaped by a peacefulness will a small kampong in Bogor ( New Kampong), a Monarchic secondhand region of Pajajaran which is located in pate;upstream Batavia. Van Imhoff have in heart to develop;build region mentioned as by a resort and agriculture area for Governor General.
Palace Bogor develop;builded at August month;moon 1744 and in form of storey;level three, initially represent a health resort house, he/she xself making sketch and develop;build it from year 1745-1750, following the example of architecture Blehheim Palace, residential of Duke Malborough, near by town Oxford [in] English. Step by step, along with change time to building [of] early conducted by during a period of/to Governor General of Dutch of and also English ( Herman Willem Daendels and Sir Stamford Raffles), form Palace Bogor building have experienced of various change. so that which at first represent house of health resort turn into palace paladian building broadly its page;yard reach 28,4 hectare and wide of building 14.892 m².
But, accident come at date of 10 October 1834 earthquake mengguncang of effect of erupt it the Mount Bark so that the the palace destroy weight.
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Palace Bogor. left wing s and Mains Building and right
In the year 1850, Palace Bogor rebuilt, but is not high rise again because adapted for by a area situation which often that earthquake. [At] a period of/to governance of Governor General of Albertus Jacob Duijmayer van Twist (1851-1856) old building is rest of that earthquake is dirubuhkan and develop;builded takenly is century ke-19 Europe architecture.
In the year 1870, Palace Buitenzorg made by a formal habitat from Governor General of Dutch Indies. Last Dweller [of] that Palace Buitenzorg [is] Governor General of Tjarda van Starkenborg Stachourwer which cannot help deliver this palace to General Imamura, pemeritah Japan occupying.
In the year 1950, after a period of/to independence, Presidency Bogor Palace start weared by Indonesia government, and open to become one of the President Palace Indonesia.
In the year 1968 opened formal Palace Bogor for the public visit for bless from President Soeharto. Visitor Current from outside and domestic one year reach about 10 thousand people.
At 15 November 1994, Palace Bogor become annual meeting place of economic minister of APEC ( Asia-Pasific Economy Cooperation), and is over there published by Declaration Bogor. [ 1] This declaration represent komitmen 18 member state of APEC to perform free perdangangan and invesment [of] before year 2020.
At 16 August 2002, [at] a period of/to Megawati President governance, performed by a event " Glorious of Independence" to commemorate HUT RI which ke-57, and toned up with appearance Twilite Orchestra with conductor Addie MS
At 9 July 2005 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pass off [his/its] child nuptials 2 , Agus Yudhoyono by Anisa Pohan in Palace Bogor.
At 20 November 2006 President of United States George W. Bush pass off political visit to Palace Bogor and come in contact with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. this Brief Visit take place during six clock
Building And column in Palace Bogor
Previous of Palace of Bogor provided with [by] a big garden, what [is] known as [by] a Great Garden [of] Bogor but as according to requirement will center development of science of crop will be tropical, Great Garden [of] Bogor got out of [by] wings of palace in the year 1817.
Palace of Bogor have building of mains with left wing s and also right. Overall of complex of palace reach wide 1,5 hectare.
building of Mains of Palace of Bogor consisted of:
building of Mains of palace function to carry out event of formal political, meeting, and the ceremony
left wing s of Building owning six bed room used for menjamu guest of foreign state
right wing of Building with four bed room only allotment for incoming president pay a visit
In the year 1964 develop;builded special [of] building recognized by the name of Dyah Bayurini as space of health resort of its family and president, this building is inclusive of five separate paviliun
* Personal office of President
* Library
* Messroom
* Meeting hall of Minister and film showing space
* Space of Eagle as place of formal ceremony
* space of Lotus as wing of place of acceptance of state guest
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Space of Eagle
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Personal office of President with century ke-19 painting " The Russian Wedding" by Makowski.
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Space Read President.
Name : Raden Roro Suryaditenaya (27)
Class : 7-H
You close youre eyes.....
And leave me alone.....
You are lost......
And never back contents my days......
I just want you to know.......
You are star in ny life....
And now, let me always loving your heart until the end of my life......
Because I know you always iove me too..........
Love at the first sight
When I fallin love.......
I always think about you.......
First I see You ......
First I see youre smile.......
I belife loveit wouid be forever.
The power of love
Just one.........
Every second.....
Every minutes.....
Every day......
You always in my mind because of you
Love at the first sight......
I think thats all sorry if be wrong my present because I just study.
Thank you and succes for you....
Class : 7-H
You close youre eyes.....
And leave me alone.....
You are lost......
And never back contents my days......
I just want you to know.......
You are star in ny life....
And now, let me always loving your heart until the end of my life......
Because I know you always iove me too..........
Love at the first sight
When I fallin love.......
I always think about you.......
First I see You ......
First I see youre smile.......
I belife loveit wouid be forever.
The power of love
Just one.........
Every second.....
Every minutes.....
Every day......
You always in my mind because of you
Love at the first sight......
I think thats all sorry if be wrong my present because I just study.
Thank you and succes for you....
The last Thursday I`m with my friends go to the Precidential Palace.In precidential palace there are many picture and there are many room. I`m very happy because after that I and my firiends go to the ''Kebun Raya Bogor''. On Kebun Raya Bogor, I playing foot ball with my friends.We eating together on the garden and we very happy.
I think that`s all sorry if be wrong my present, because I just study.
Thank you, and succes for you..
I think that`s all sorry if be wrong my present, because I just study.
Thank you, and succes for you..
Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008
Say that yaou love me
Say I'm the one
Don't even think about saying good bye
Because i want one love in my heart
I will love you until I die
I'll never leave you
Forever i want Love you
Please, remember my love
Say that yaou love me
Say I'm the one
Don't even think about saying good bye
Because i want one love in my heart
I will love you until I die
I'll never leave you
Forever i want Love you
Please, remember my love
Jumat, 25 April 2008
Love is a give from god
Love make a many fells
Love not only a words
Not only a chocolate in valentine day's
Many people have love
Love can give suport
Love is a beautiful things
But love is hurt....
By Shifa
Love is a give from god
Love make a many fells
Love not only a words
Not only a chocolate in valentine day's
Many people have love
Love can give suport
Love is a beautiful things
But love is hurt....
By Shifa
Kamis, 17 April 2008
You are My Dream
I can't imagine that
everything is like a dream
when you come
my life has change
cause with you
my heart so full
I can't explain
you makes me perfect
and now
since you been gone
i lose my dream
you broken my heart
you gone and hurting me
i don't know why
maybe you are my dream
Nova restu seniamala
everything is like a dream
when you come
my life has change
cause with you
my heart so full
I can't explain
you makes me perfect
and now
since you been gone
i lose my dream
you broken my heart
you gone and hurting me
i don't know why
maybe you are my dream
Nova restu seniamala
Jumat, 11 April 2008
My favorite animal

My favourite animal is cow .I like cow because cow is animal who the product milk.
Cow can product 200.000 glass of milk in they lifetime.For me , cow 's meat is delicious.
I often to buy " Soto Bening ". In " Soto Bening " there are any part of digestion gutter. The cow 's skin usable for bag , drum " bedug " , and jacket .For me too, cow is a cute animal .
I love my mother so much
My mother is my teacher
My mother is my friend
My mother love me so much
My mother always care to me
Every day
Every month
Every time
Every where
My ideal is teacher
My manner for to visit is
-to try
-and study
sholihatini Eka Putri
I love my mother so much
My mother is my teacher
My mother is my friend
My mother love me so much
My mother always care to me
Every day
Every month
Every time
Every where
My ideal is teacher
My manner for to visit is
-to try
-and study
sholihatini Eka Putri
you always to help me
you always to console me
you very nice to me...
you always care to me
you always to buld me
my mother is my best friend...
i love you mother
you love me
every time,every where....
My ideal is teacher...
my manner for to visit my ideal is;
-to try....
Lina maulina
you always to help me
you always to console me
you very nice to me...
you always care to me
you always to buld me
my mother is my best friend...
i love you mother
you love me
every time,every where....
My ideal is teacher...
my manner for to visit my ideal is;
-to try....
Lina maulina
Minggu, 30 Maret 2008
Love Hidden
Love Hidden
English language:
When in the lower secondary school first day
I see you in there
You is so perfect
Until I fall in love with you
I always thinking about you everyday
In my brains just you there
If you understanding my feeling
Feeling so strong in my heart
But what my ruse
I can not take you
you have a girlfriend
I just can had to God
If you have not a girlfriend
I will exerted my heart subtance
My heart subtance the most own mind
That I love you so much
translate from song:
Cinta Terpendam
Indonesian language:
Ketika aku masuk sekolah SMP
Kulihat kamu di sana
Kamu begitu mempesona
Sehingga aku jatuh cinta padamu
Setiap hari aku selalu memikirkanmu
Di benakku hanya ada kamu
Andai kamu mengerti perasaanku
Perasaan yang begitu melekat di hati
Tapi apalah daya ini
Aku tak bisa mendapatkanmu
Kamu sudah memiliki seorang pacar
Aku hanya bisa pasrah pada Tuhan
Andai kamu belum mempunyai seorang pacar
Aku akan mencurahkan isi hatiku
Isi hatiku yang paling dalam
Bahwa aku cinta kepadamu
Sofie Nurudduha
English language:
When in the lower secondary school first day
I see you in there
You is so perfect
Until I fall in love with you
I always thinking about you everyday
In my brains just you there
If you understanding my feeling
Feeling so strong in my heart
But what my ruse
I can not take you
you have a girlfriend
I just can had to God
If you have not a girlfriend
I will exerted my heart subtance
My heart subtance the most own mind
That I love you so much
translate from song:
Cinta Terpendam
Indonesian language:
Ketika aku masuk sekolah SMP
Kulihat kamu di sana
Kamu begitu mempesona
Sehingga aku jatuh cinta padamu
Setiap hari aku selalu memikirkanmu
Di benakku hanya ada kamu
Andai kamu mengerti perasaanku
Perasaan yang begitu melekat di hati
Tapi apalah daya ini
Aku tak bisa mendapatkanmu
Kamu sudah memiliki seorang pacar
Aku hanya bisa pasrah pada Tuhan
Andai kamu belum mempunyai seorang pacar
Aku akan mencurahkan isi hatiku
Isi hatiku yang paling dalam
Bahwa aku cinta kepadamu
Sofie Nurudduha
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008
My Love
My Love
Love is happiness for each and every person
Love many beautification and favorite
Each and every must have love
Love that not easy
And apparently,
Love that more complicate
If we fall love,
Will fine warm
Love also not can to by
Love not can run from fact
Because, there is finally
And this my love story
Sri 7G
Love is happiness for each and every person
Love many beautification and favorite
Each and every must have love
Love that not easy
And apparently,
Love that more complicate
If we fall love,
Will fine warm
Love also not can to by
Love not can run from fact
Because, there is finally
And this my love story
Sri 7G
Just For You , Mom !
Just For You , Mom !
You a special person in my live
You make me grow with your love
You always accompany me
If i need you , mom
When i cry
When i sad
You always accompany me
Oh mom , i apologize
If i always make you angry
Just for you , mom
I thank you for you
Only you is can make me happy
You always brightung my heart
Only you is can
Marini Adani
You a special person in my live
You make me grow with your love
You always accompany me
If i need you , mom
When i cry
When i sad
You always accompany me
Oh mom , i apologize
If i always make you angry
Just for you , mom
I thank you for you
Only you is can make me happy
You always brightung my heart
Only you is can
Marini Adani
Of late my heart feel not calm
I am feel something that not usually I feel
Is this the sign from me ?
Is this a love feels ?
That feels come not i guess
That feels make my heart is happy
But , sometime that feel make my heart is bruise
Love not only to have
But love too to oblige an offering
If can not to have must can sacreifice
The people is I love must prime
Although heart feel pressed down
But , as soon as the idol must agree get out
Love can blind
Love can't see materials
But the love grow in my heart
Love which unrequited,not never in question
Love can't duress
Love which can hold out long just the true love
For this be happy for find the true love...
Keeping he and make he be happy
NaMa : Della Astinah
Kelas : 7-ghe...
Of late my heart feel not calm
I am feel something that not usually I feel
Is this the sign from me ?
Is this a love feels ?
That feels come not i guess
That feels make my heart is happy
But , sometime that feel make my heart is bruise
Love not only to have
But love too to oblige an offering
If can not to have must can sacreifice
The people is I love must prime
Although heart feel pressed down
But , as soon as the idol must agree get out
Love can blind
Love can't see materials
But the love grow in my heart
Love which unrequited,not never in question
Love can't duress
Love which can hold out long just the true love
For this be happy for find the true love...
Keeping he and make he be happy
NaMa : Della Astinah
Kelas : 7-ghe...
Kamis, 27 Maret 2008
Love can make my heart happy
Love can make my heart bruise
Love like that beautiful
What is love?
When I near with you
Why I shy
But, is adage term
Far in eye near in heart
Follow person
love that beautiful
But, if broken heart
Probable heart we bruise
I wish love is lasting
I wish love is true
May it happen only love that
Poison assured me happy
Ghea Nuroctaviani
Love can make my heart happy
Love can make my heart bruise
Love like that beautiful
What is love?
When I near with you
Why I shy
But, is adage term
Far in eye near in heart
Follow person
love that beautiful
But, if broken heart
Probable heart we bruise
I wish love is lasting
I wish love is true
May it happen only love that
Poison assured me happy
Ghea Nuroctaviani
My Special Person(mom)
My Special Person(mom)
When I see sunny
I feeling your smile
Your smile as like haze
Make me happy
I see yourself
As like my special person for me
But you don't make me sad
My mother you very special for me
Mom you give me mercy in
You very meaningful for me and my brother
At time me sad
You always cheer up me
A time me average angry
You advice me
Mom me very love you
Mom I love you too
Nama : Amalia Ramadhina G
Kelas : 7-Ghe.
When I see sunny
I feeling your smile
Your smile as like haze
Make me happy
I see yourself
As like my special person for me
But you don't make me sad
My mother you very special for me
Mom you give me mercy in
You very meaningful for me and my brother
At time me sad
You always cheer up me
A time me average angry
You advice me
Mom me very love you
Mom I love you too
Nama : Amalia Ramadhina G
Kelas : 7-Ghe.
Mom and dad
You always make me happy
You always patient with my egoist
You always give me amatory
Mom and dad
Because you i live in the world
I will always make you happy
Mom and dad
You very special for me
You more important from meterai
I will give everything to make you rightfully proud
Mom and dad
You always make me happy
You always patient with my egoist
You always give me amatory
Mom and dad
Because you i live in the world
I will always make you happy
Mom and dad
You very special for me
You more important from meterai
I will give everything to make you rightfully proud
Devira 7i
Kangen - Ari Lasso
Kuterima suratmu tlah kubaca dan aku mengerti
Betapa merindunya dirimu akan hadirnya diriku
Didalam hari-harimu bersama lagi
Kau bertanya padaku kapan aku akan kembali lagi
Katamu kau tak kuasa melawan gejolak di dalam dada
Yang membara menahan rasa, pertemuan kita nanti
Saat kau ada di sisiku
Semua kata rindumu semakin membuatku tak berdaya
Menahan rasa ingin jumpa
Percayalah padaku akupun rindu kamu
Kuakan pulang melepas semua kerinduan yang terpendam
Kau tuliskan padaku kata cinta yang manis dalam suratmu
Kau katakan padaku saat ini ku ingin dalam pelukmu
Dan belai lembut kasihmu takan ku lupa selamanya
Saat bersama dirimu
Jangan katakan cinta
Menambah beban rasa
Sudah simpan saja sedihmu itu
Kuakan datang
====== translate into english=======
Miss you - Ari Lasso
I accept your letter I have read and I understand.
How you miss me with attend myself.
In your days with me again.
You ask to me when I will return again
You say do not have the power against distortion in chest
smoldering to detain your feel in waiting our meeting
When you beside me.
All yearning word of you more makes me not forceful.
Detain to feel to wish to meet with you
Trust me that I also miss you
I will come home to release all hidden longing.
You write sweet love word to me in your letter
You tell me that in this moment you wish I am in your embrace
And your love caress bland I will not forget forever
When with you
Don't tell love
Adding burden feel
Just kept your sorrowful
I will come
Kuterima suratmu tlah kubaca dan aku mengerti
Betapa merindunya dirimu akan hadirnya diriku
Didalam hari-harimu bersama lagi
Kau bertanya padaku kapan aku akan kembali lagi
Katamu kau tak kuasa melawan gejolak di dalam dada
Yang membara menahan rasa, pertemuan kita nanti
Saat kau ada di sisiku
Semua kata rindumu semakin membuatku tak berdaya
Menahan rasa ingin jumpa
Percayalah padaku akupun rindu kamu
Kuakan pulang melepas semua kerinduan yang terpendam
Kau tuliskan padaku kata cinta yang manis dalam suratmu
Kau katakan padaku saat ini ku ingin dalam pelukmu
Dan belai lembut kasihmu takan ku lupa selamanya
Saat bersama dirimu
Jangan katakan cinta
Menambah beban rasa
Sudah simpan saja sedihmu itu
Kuakan datang
====== translate into english=======
Miss you - Ari Lasso
I accept your letter I have read and I understand.
How you miss me with attend myself.
In your days with me again.
You ask to me when I will return again
You say do not have the power against distortion in chest
smoldering to detain your feel in waiting our meeting
When you beside me.
All yearning word of you more makes me not forceful.
Detain to feel to wish to meet with you
Trust me that I also miss you
I will come home to release all hidden longing.
You write sweet love word to me in your letter
You tell me that in this moment you wish I am in your embrace
And your love caress bland I will not forget forever
When with you
Don't tell love
Adding burden feel
Just kept your sorrowful
I will come
Minggu, 02 Maret 2008
Diana Pratiwi 7H
Monday,23 july 2007
This monday iam very happy,becausefine first to come in school.But,before of guars I and friends after ever meet while our still on upon MOS(Masa Orientasi Siswa.His digerence,when while on upon they use t-shirt colour white-red,but now using colour white-blue black.
That story I this day.
Tuesday,24 july 2007
Today is tuesday the secound day go to school in SMPN 3 Bogor.I feel taste happy once...!can learn with new friend which smart.his teacher even if fine's inside problem learn.
So I very very happy this day!
Wenesday,25 july 2007
Oh,wenesday I and friends learn.Iam happy but also teacher which dintinet continer for boiling tea patient and fine once.So learn n SMPN 3 Bogor that happy!
I happy laern in SMPN 3 Bogor
Thursday,26 july 2007
To a day I learn English,Indonesian,Matematics,and PKN.All happy once.But much many once duty.Although like that but I happy with than all.I happy,happy,happy once this day!
Friday,27 july 2007
This day I and my friends hear extracurricular lecture religion islam.Morning's once.But,his extracurricular lectur onlya moment,around 20 minutses only.After that,we learn with diligent.Bell return home after sounding,his time reaturn home
That story I this day.To arrive tomorrow!
This monday iam very happy,becausefine first to come in school.But,before of guars I and friends after ever meet while our still on upon MOS(Masa Orientasi Siswa.His digerence,when while on upon they use t-shirt colour white-red,but now using colour white-blue black.
That story I this day.
Tuesday,24 july 2007
Today is tuesday the secound day go to school in SMPN 3 Bogor.I feel taste happy once...!can learn with new friend which smart.his teacher even if fine's inside problem learn.
So I very very happy this day!
Wenesday,25 july 2007
Oh,wenesday I and friends learn.Iam happy but also teacher which dintinet continer for boiling tea patient and fine once.So learn n SMPN 3 Bogor that happy!
I happy laern in SMPN 3 Bogor
Thursday,26 july 2007
To a day I learn English,Indonesian,Matematics,and PKN.All happy once.But much many once duty.Although like that but I happy with than all.I happy,happy,happy once this day!
Friday,27 july 2007
This day I and my friends hear extracurricular lecture religion islam.Morning's once.But,his extracurricular lectur onlya moment,around 20 minutses only.After that,we learn with diligent.Bell return home after sounding,his time reaturn home
That story I this day.To arrive tomorrow!
Kamis, 31 Januari 2008
Shifa 7H
Holiday i'm stay at home.In home i'm activity is playing computer,eating,playing basket ball,and skatboard.I'm alone in home because my father and my mother going too affice and my sister going too school.
(pa kalau ada yang salah b.iggrisnya maaf ya karena shifa langsung nulis dan gak pake alva ling dlu he.....he....he...)
Holiday i'm stay at home.In home i'm activity is playing computer,eating,playing basket ball,and skatboard.I'm alone in home because my father and my mother going too affice and my sister going too school.
(pa kalau ada yang salah b.iggrisnya maaf ya karena shifa langsung nulis dan gak pake alva ling dlu he.....he....he...)
Nova Restu Seniamala
Vocation yesterday, I go to Bandung. I go to BSM and Tangkuban Perahu Mount. I go with family. In Tangkuban Perahu Mount,its wind very boisterous. Its cauldron even also very beautiful. But unhappily, very brim stone aroma.
Two day in Bandung. I go to BSM ( Bandung Super Mall ). There many Pleasant game. Like thun derbolt, rainbow, and others. I very like to walk along in Bandung. This is me experience which will not my forget.
Vocation yesterday, I go to Bandung. I go to BSM and Tangkuban Perahu Mount. I go with family. In Tangkuban Perahu Mount,its wind very boisterous. Its cauldron even also very beautiful. But unhappily, very brim stone aroma.
Two day in Bandung. I go to BSM ( Bandung Super Mall ). There many Pleasant game. Like thun derbolt, rainbow, and others. I very like to walk along in Bandung. This is me experience which will not my forget.
Sholihatini ekaputri
My Holiday in My Grandmother house
In holiday i and my sister go to my grandmother house.I and my sister to stay overnight during one weeks.In grand mother house i play basket ball with my sister and my cousin.Except play basket ball,i play PS,play swing and watch a CD. sometimes i help grand mother in kitchen and to sweep the floor.But because the rain to fall continuously,so i and family not able goes to swimming.Come back from my grandmother house at ten thirty.
In holiday i and my sister go to my grandmother house.I and my sister to stay overnight during one weeks.In grand mother house i play basket ball with my sister and my cousin.Except play basket ball,i play PS,play swing and watch a CD. sometimes i help grand mother in kitchen and to sweep the floor.But because the rain to fall continuously,so i and family not able goes to swimming.Come back from my grandmother house at ten thirty.
Devira Vrizal
Activity During The Holiday
At Holiday I am and my Family went to Jakarta.I am go to my aunt's Home.In there I am go to circumference at Jakarta City. At 13 January 2008 I went to to Gramedia largest at Asia,by chance in Grmedia Out Harry Potter series 7 latest.Also because for celebrate Harry Potter latest, Gramedia give a certain contest.principal very gratify.I am very-very Happy, because Harry Potter my Idola.
At Holiday I am and my Family went to Jakarta.I am go to my aunt's Home.In there I am go to circumference at Jakarta City. At 13 January 2008 I went to to Gramedia largest at Asia,by chance in Grmedia Out Harry Potter series 7 latest.Also because for celebrate Harry Potter latest, Gramedia give a certain contest.principal very gratify.I am very-very Happy, because Harry Potter my Idola.
Ghina Ibrahim 7 Ghee !
This holiday, I stay at home.Because my father is work.I just play computer or watch movie.Or help mom cooking.This holiday is bored.But I can stay with my family everyday.I went to weeding party to.My big sister is marriet.And then I don't do anithyng.I read a comic or novel,play Playstation.I hope next holiday I went to Padang.Aminnn....!
This holiday, I stay at home.Because my father is work.I just play computer or watch movie.Or help mom cooking.This holiday is bored.But I can stay with my family everyday.I went to weeding party to.My big sister is marriet.And then I don't do anithyng.I read a comic or novel,play Playstation.I hope next holiday I went to Padang.Aminnn....!
Soefi Nastri Agutiani 7i
Activity During The Holiday
During holiay, I went to Swimming Pool in The Juggle. Located in Dredect street Villa Bogor Nirwana Recindence (BNR), Bondongan-Bogor. I went to the Juggle wit my Family is father, mother, brother, sister and Grand Mother.I happy together wit family.
In the Juggle I and Family must cash payment Rp. 50.000,00. Although pay not cheap because there place plesant and quiet. There are many pople to begin from children, parents, and many Again. But, Located The Juggle far away and defecult reach Out
During holiay, I went to Swimming Pool in The Juggle. Located in Dredect street Villa Bogor Nirwana Recindence (BNR), Bondongan-Bogor. I went to the Juggle wit my Family is father, mother, brother, sister and Grand Mother.I happy together wit family.
In the Juggle I and Family must cash payment Rp. 50.000,00. Although pay not cheap because there place plesant and quiet. There are many pople to begin from children, parents, and many Again. But, Located The Juggle far away and defecult reach Out
Sabtu, 19 Januari 2008
Lina Maulina
My holiday
I am in holiday i and Family go to "Sentul City" in sentul city,there is super market the super market
name is Hypermarket Bellanova,have place games the name is Alam Fantasi.Have many plants &
flowers.in sentul,thre is many shop,restaurant,&very much.I an my brother &sister playing in alam fantasi.have many
I am in holiday i and Family go to "Sentul City" in sentul city,there is super market the super market
name is Hypermarket Bellanova,have place games the name is Alam Fantasi.Have many plants &
flowers.in sentul,thre is many shop,restaurant,&very much.I an my brother &sister playing in alam fantasi.have many
Lia Amelia
My Holiday....
In my holiday.I stay in home.I take a care my brother.My brother is sick.I watching television.My favorite chanel is ANIMAX.Many animation cartoon JAPAN here.Everyday I reading comic.After holiday i sick.The specially in my holiday is,I went to Bandung with my family.I pick up many stawberry.I outbound in Ciwidey.After that I shopping in Dago.I happy because,my holiday is happy.My favorite food is Batagor and Brownies.In Bandung I stay in Permata Bidakara Hotels.It's very happy!!!
In my holiday.I stay in home.I take a care my brother.My brother is sick.I watching television.My favorite chanel is ANIMAX.Many animation cartoon JAPAN here.Everyday I reading comic.After holiday i sick.The specially in my holiday is,I went to Bandung with my family.I pick up many stawberry.I outbound in Ciwidey.After that I shopping in Dago.I happy because,my holiday is happy.My favorite food is Batagor and Brownies.In Bandung I stay in Permata Bidakara Hotels.It's very happy!!!
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