Pada suatu hari di sebuah rumah yang megah. Rumah itu berlantai 3. Tinggalah seorang saudagar kaya. Dia menyukai tanaman.Dia mempunyai 2 orang anak .Ia juga suka memelihara ikan. Ia mempunyai mobil banyak . Mobilnya semua di urus. Mobil itu ia taruh di garasi yang besar.Tapi garasi itu kurang besar untuk memuat mobilnya . Ia pun memarkir sisa mobilnya di halaman . Ia mempunyai pembantu yang sangat banyak . Ia juga mempunyai pintu rahasia.Dia membuat kolam berenang . Kolam renangnya itu ada dua. Ia sangat menyukai kelinci. Kelinci itu sangat menyukai wortel.Pada suatu hari wortelnya habis. Dan akhirnya kelinci itu mati. Karena ia kaya ia mempunyai 5 orang istri.Dihalamannya banyak sekali tanaman. Kelima orang istrinya sangat cantik-cantik. Kelima istrinya mempunyai sifat yang berbeda. Salah satu istrinya mempunyai sifat yang sangat iri. Istrinya yang lain ada juga yang bersifat baik. Salah satu istrinya bernama Jane. Di lantai 3 ada kamar yang tidak pernah dipakai. Itu kamar rahasia saudagar . Di kamar itu menyimpan tanaman. Tanamannya sangat indah . Suatu hari Jane kesal dan melempar tanamannya ke dalam kolam. Saudagar pun marah dan langsung menceraikan Jane. Jane sedih dan bunuh diri. Saudagar kaya itu dihantui oleh Jane. Hantu Jane pun membunuh saudagar kaya tersebut. Dan keempat istrinya pun dibunuh. Dan akhirnya rumah itupun disebut rumah hantu.
One day in luxurious house with three floors. There was a rich businessman living there. He has two kids. He likes plants. There are many plants in his yard. He also likes to take care of fish. He has some car. He puts all his cars in the garage. But the garage is not enough for the car. So he parks some of the cars in the yard. He has very much maid. He has also secret door. He has two swimming pools in his house. He likes rabbit so much. Rabbit likes carrot. One day the carrot empty and the rabbit is dead. Because he is wealthy he has five wives. The wives are very beautiful. The wives have different characteristic. Some are envious, some are kind. One of the wives is Jane. The room in the third floor is never be used. That is a merchant’s secret, in the room there is a beautiful plants. One day Jane is angry and throws the plant’s to swimming pool. The merchant’s is angry and divorces Jane. Jane is sad and kills her selves. The rich merchant’s was haunted by Jane. Jane ghost kill the rich merchant, and also the fourth wives, and at last finally the house is mentioned “the haunted house”.
1. Diya Ardita K.
2. Wista Apriliani
3. Chandra Kusuma Putra
4.Reza Faeruz
5.Azhar Slamet
6.Ali Abdurahman
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