I am very enjoy to learn English because the teacher who is very kind and like tell his friends, tell funny story so be me happy in the class. I am waiting English every week. I remember when I was in Elementary School in the first time we learn English. My English teacher is very strict man. I have the funnies him because didn’t know home work. Because that I am afraid with the English, every week I didn’t want to learn with my teacher. But now in the intermediate school at SMPN 3 we the introduce with our teacher Mr. Sopyan. He is very kind man with the cool game and his introduce his self with English. He is like to give our class with the cool home work. And, in the first time I learn with internet and browsing my identity. To day, I like very much English. Thank you Mr. Sopyan, you are my the best teacher.
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Celebration of independence day
Last Sunday was an independence day,
I woke up at 5 o'clock.
I toke a bath and prayed shubuh, after that I ate a bread, and drank milk,
And then I went to my school for following a ceremony flag,
I arrived at the school at 7 o'clock, ceremony flag was started on 07.30am
In this ceremony I surprised because, at the moment of boosting up the flag was very-very nice.
Then we sang a song. the song is "Hari Kemerdekaan" or independence day,
huuh..!! The sun made me feel so hot .But , I feel happy in this celebration.and has many competition in this day.
I feel so happy ....!!!
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