
Anda Pengunjung ke....

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

Diana Pratiwi 7H

Monday,23 july 2007

This monday iam very happy,becausefine first to come in school.But,before of guars I and friends after ever meet while our still on upon MOS(Masa Orientasi Siswa.His digerence,when while on upon they use t-shirt colour white-red,but now using colour white-blue black.
That story I this day.

Tuesday,24 july 2007

Today is tuesday the secound day go to school in SMPN 3 Bogor.I feel taste happy once...!can learn with new friend which smart.his teacher even if fine's inside problem learn.
So I very very happy this day!

Wenesday,25 july 2007

Oh,wenesday I and friends learn.Iam happy but also teacher which dintinet continer for boiling tea patient and fine once.So learn n SMPN 3 Bogor that happy!
I happy laern in SMPN 3 Bogor

Thursday,26 july 2007

To a day I learn English,Indonesian,Matematics,and PKN.All happy once.But much many once duty.Although like that but I happy with than all.I happy,happy,happy once this day!

Friday,27 july 2007

This day I and my friends hear extracurricular lecture religion islam.Morning's once.But,his extracurricular lectur onlya moment,around 20 minutses only.After that,we learn with diligent.Bell return home after sounding,his time reaturn home
That story I this day.To arrive tomorrow!

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