
Anda Pengunjung ke....

Rabu, 19 Desember 2007

Nabilah Hidayati

At the time that I 'm intention to face repetition first. I am to feel no skill, because that first river repetition at SMP , I am convenient think repetition this as repetition at SD? After I 'm to set in motion repetition first day (monday), obvious repetition now resemble as at SD. Which to distinguish only place sit down. because at SMP to connect with class other. My group gather together with class D ( 7 room). 6 day after I am and friends to set in motion. Hidden, but poison finish I am afraid when retake, more over when all lesson. Hidden,advantage just now ( 14/12) moment teacher to publish retake PKN and Religion study,I am no mentioned,that is to say I am so retake. May it happen only lesson which other I am no retake.

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