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Kamis, 13 September 2007

Devira Vrizal : 7i

My Fasting Programe

On Ramadhan,I and my family want to fast.I and my family want to praying taraweh in the mosque.In the mosque's new sincere.
Usually I and my family follow intensive study religion in the TPA.I, Fathia, Risna, Darin,Dimas, Faqih, Indra,Santos, Fariz, and Wiwid. They are student in the intensive study religion.
Usually I and my family always watching television program Soleha and Kiamat sudah dekat 3 at Ramadhan month.
On "Sahur" I and my family eating with porridge, soup, tea, and milk. On breakfasting I and my family eating with nata de coco, colak,and syrup.

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