Thursday ago,me and friend go to Bogor Palace. We depart together hour 12.30. There are statue,photograph,and portrayal. We see too one thousand mirror. Not mirror is one thousand, but we shadow one thousand. There are photograph president of Indonesia from Ir.Soekarno to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. We veri happy, because can know history of Bogor Palace. After that we play together in Botanical Garden.
Nabilah Hidayati
Anda Pengunjung ke....
Jumat, 06 Juni 2008
Visiting Presidential Palace
Before we go to Bogor Palace we meet together at Balai Kota.And then we registering again at Bogor Palace.After that we are going to Bogor Palace.At Bogor Palace we are looking kind properties at the room.After tour we take a photograph in front of Bogor Palace.After that we go to Botanical Garden,but i and Desi for a moment.
name:shifa femia putri
class:VII - H
number: 33
name:shifa femia putri
class:VII - H
number: 33
Selasa, 03 Juni 2008
Visiting Presidential Palace
At may 29th 2008, we have an opportunity from our English teacher to visited istana bogor. Istana Bogor was at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda Bogor. We had a goal for learned about history of Bogor where there was in Istana Bogor. There were anyroom of Istana Bogor, for example guestroom, diningroom, library, meetingroom, especially 1000 shadows mirrors, etc. Istana Bogor has clean and tidy situation. I shocked when I knew Istana Bogor had undercorous sculpture. After visited, we went out with Kebun Raya’s way because there was a rule that visitor who had gone out Istana couldn’t came back to Istana’s rooms.
Widodo Putra
Widodo Putra
Visiting Presidential Palace
In school holiday date 22 May 2008,I am and friends one class go to Bogor palace,I am there to view pictures,statues and also one thousand mirror,I am and friends very cheerful visit to there,that after I am enter to for mosque for prayer, after that I am place to about for restand eating I am to play friends together, after to play satisfied we are hurry for go home because day ready afternoon.
Visiting Presidential Palace
Few time a go we class 7h visited bogor presidental palace on 526th bogor birthday activity. When we arrivved to the palace we going arround it a ccompanied.Before we entered into the palace we given intruction by palace guide and story about the establistedof palace we see many room, art things and thousand mirror in there. We also see president picture until mr. SBY. We admired the first the crisral lamp that really beautyfull. After of we arround the palace, we are going to botanical garden. In there we playing football, eating together,and chat with the other. Wow. . . . On this day really happy. We went home at 4 o\'clock.
_Rizkia Nabila_
_Rizkia Nabila_
Visiting Presidential Palace
On Thursday, all my friends with me go to bogor palace together.We are to come together in the DPRD office.After that I to go into door palace near Zebouth church.To go into door palace moment I see many figure.The first all my friends with me to go a excessive room in bogor palace, that room is very good, in the room to be many Indonesia president picture too.After that,I see one thousand mirror and to go many room again.After that I out from Bogor palace and all my friends with me to joke and play together in the bogor palace garden, palace garden is very big.And the last all my friends with me go to botanical garden together.My friend playing football too in Botanical Garden.
Yuni Endah 7 H
Yuni Endah 7 H
Istana Bogor
By Ghina Salimah
At may 29th 2008, we have an oportunity from our english teacher
to visited Istana Bogor. Istana Bogor was at Jl.Ir.H.Juanda, Bogor.
We had goal for learned about history of Bogor where there was
in Istana Bogor, there were any rooms in Istana Bogor, guest room,
dinning room, library, meeting room, especially one thousand shadow's
mirror,ect. Istana Bogor has clean and tidy situation. I shocked when
I knew Istana Bogor had undecorous sculpture. After visited Istana Bogor
we went out with Kebun Raya's way. Because there was a rule that visitor
who had gone out istana couldn't came back to Istana rooms.
At may 29th 2008, we have an oportunity from our english teacher
to visited Istana Bogor. Istana Bogor was at Jl.Ir.H.Juanda, Bogor.
We had goal for learned about history of Bogor where there was
in Istana Bogor, there were any rooms in Istana Bogor, guest room,
dinning room, library, meeting room, especially one thousand shadow's
mirror,ect. Istana Bogor has clean and tidy situation. I shocked when
I knew Istana Bogor had undecorous sculpture. After visited Istana Bogor
we went out with Kebun Raya's way. Because there was a rule that visitor
who had gone out istana couldn't came back to Istana rooms.
Minggu, 01 Juni 2008
The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci), which was built from August 1744 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors, including also during the period of British administration. Notable occupants of the mansion include Herman Willem Deandels and Sir Stamford Raffles.
This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one story instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
I SEE....
from:shifa femia putri
This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one story instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
I SEE....
from:shifa femia putri
Visiting Presidential Palace
Last Thursday me and my friend went to Bogor Palace, Its for the first time I went there although I born and grown up on Bogor but I never be there, so its a good chance for to know Bogor better.
Inside of Palace I seen many thistorical properties like mirror one hundred shadows,long bed,table,and of course portrait our President from is Sukarno to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. I am so amazed with all the part of Bogor Palace Include room by room.
After finished all activity at Bogor Palace I went to Botanical Garden and I looked many threes and can refreshing.
Oh I never forget this time.
Nova Restu
Inside of Palace I seen many thistorical properties like mirror one hundred shadows,long bed,table,and of course portrait our President from is Sukarno to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. I am so amazed with all the part of Bogor Palace Include room by room.
After finished all activity at Bogor Palace I went to Botanical Garden and I looked many threes and can refreshing.
Oh I never forget this time.
Nova Restu
Bogor President Palace
A. Preambule
Bogor President Palace is one of 6 Presidential Palaces in Indonesia. The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural, historical, features, as well as the adjoining botanical gardens. Bogo President Palace was opened to the public in 1968 to public tour groups (not individuals), with the permission of the then President of Indonesia, Suharto. The number of visitors annually is approximately 10.000 people.
B. Structure
The gardens of the palace have an area of 284.000 square metres (28.4 hectares). The grounds of the estate contain several buildings - the largest of which is the main palace and its two wings. The main palace contains private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room, a ministers' meeting room, a theater room, and the Garuda room (for welcoming State guests). The two wings are used as the guest residences for State guests. Kebun Raya Bogor ("Great Gardens of Bogor", the Bogor Botanical Gardens) are also part of the palace grounds.
C. History
The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci), which was built from August 1744 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors, including also during the period of British administration. Notable occupants of the mansion include Herman Willem Daendels and Thomas Sir Stamford Raffles.This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one storey instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
The palace houses an extensive art collection which had been accumulated by Soekarno. A herd of spotted deer still range within the palace grounds; a group of these had originally been brought there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.
Bogor President Palace is one of 6 Presidential Palaces in Indonesia. The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural, historical, features, as well as the adjoining botanical gardens. Bogo President Palace was opened to the public in 1968 to public tour groups (not individuals), with the permission of the then President of Indonesia, Suharto. The number of visitors annually is approximately 10.000 people.
B. Structure
The gardens of the palace have an area of 284.000 square metres (28.4 hectares). The grounds of the estate contain several buildings - the largest of which is the main palace and its two wings. The main palace contains private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room, a ministers' meeting room, a theater room, and the Garuda room (for welcoming State guests). The two wings are used as the guest residences for State guests. Kebun Raya Bogor ("Great Gardens of Bogor", the Bogor Botanical Gardens) are also part of the palace grounds.
C. History
The original colonial building on the site of Istana Bogor was a mansion named Buitenzorg (also Sans Souci), which was built from August 1744 as a country retreat for the Dutch Governors, including also during the period of British administration. Notable occupants of the mansion include Herman Willem Daendels and Thomas Sir Stamford Raffles.This building was substantially damaged by an earthquake in 1834, triggered by the volcanic eruption of Mount Salak. The palace was rebuilt into its present form in 1856— this time with only one storey instead of the original three, as a precaution against further earthquakes.
From 1870 to 1942 the Istana Bogor served as the official residence of the Dutch Governors General. After Indonesian independence, the palace was much used by President Sukarno, but then largely neglected by Suharto when he came to office.
The palace houses an extensive art collection which had been accumulated by Soekarno. A herd of spotted deer still range within the palace grounds; a group of these had originally been brought there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.
Bogor Palace
By Devira Vrizal (7i)
Bogor Palace represent one of the six President Palace of Republic Of Indonesia having special uniqueness. This special uniqueness because of historical aspect, uppermost fauna and culture. One of them is deer existence. The deer is beautiful is which conducived from Nepalese direct and remain to be awaked from first hitherto.
In this time have become trend of citizen of Bogor and its surroundings every day Saturday, other red letter day And Sunday walk- road;street of diseputaran of Palace of Bogor at the same time feed deer- beautiful deer is which live in page;yard of Palace of Bogor with carrot obtained from farmer- traditional farmer of citizen of Bogor which always in good fig vend carrot- the carrot every day holiday. Like its name, this palace located in Bogor, West Java.
Although various activity of political have is not conducted again, public khalayak of diperbolehkan visit in the entourage, previously request permit to State Secretary, c.q. Lead Presidency Domestic
So called former Palace Bogor of Buitenzorg Or Sans Souci meaning " without care".
Since year 1870 till 1942, Palace Bogor represent formal habitat from 38 Governor General of Dutch and one people of Governor General English.
In the year 1744 Governor General of Gustaaf Willem Baron Van Imhoff agaped by a peacefulness will a small kampong in Bogor ( New Kampong), a Monarchic secondhand region of Pajajaran which is located in pate;upstream Batavia. Van Imhoff have in heart to develop;build region mentioned as by a resort and agriculture area for Governor General.
Palace Bogor develop;builded at August month;moon 1744 and in form of storey;level three, initially represent a health resort house, he/she xself making sketch and develop;build it from year 1745-1750, following the example of architecture Blehheim Palace, residential of Duke Malborough, near by town Oxford [in] English. Step by step, along with change time to building [of] early conducted by during a period of/to Governor General of Dutch of and also English ( Herman Willem Daendels and Sir Stamford Raffles), form Palace Bogor building have experienced of various change. so that which at first represent house of health resort turn into palace paladian building broadly its page;yard reach 28,4 hectare and wide of building 14.892 m².
But, accident come at date of 10 October 1834 earthquake mengguncang of effect of erupt it the Mount Bark so that the the palace destroy weight.
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Palace Bogor. left wing s and Mains Building and right
In the year 1850, Palace Bogor rebuilt, but is not high rise again because adapted for by a area situation which often that earthquake. [At] a period of/to governance of Governor General of Albertus Jacob Duijmayer van Twist (1851-1856) old building is rest of that earthquake is dirubuhkan and develop;builded takenly is century ke-19 Europe architecture.
In the year 1870, Palace Buitenzorg made by a formal habitat from Governor General of Dutch Indies. Last Dweller [of] that Palace Buitenzorg [is] Governor General of Tjarda van Starkenborg Stachourwer which cannot help deliver this palace to General Imamura, pemeritah Japan occupying.
In the year 1950, after a period of/to independence, Presidency Bogor Palace start weared by Indonesia government, and open to become one of the President Palace Indonesia.
In the year 1968 opened formal Palace Bogor for the public visit for bless from President Soeharto. Visitor Current from outside and domestic one year reach about 10 thousand people.
At 15 November 1994, Palace Bogor become annual meeting place of economic minister of APEC ( Asia-Pasific Economy Cooperation), and is over there published by Declaration Bogor. [ 1] This declaration represent komitmen 18 member state of APEC to perform free perdangangan and invesment [of] before year 2020.
At 16 August 2002, [at] a period of/to Megawati President governance, performed by a event " Glorious of Independence" to commemorate HUT RI which ke-57, and toned up with appearance Twilite Orchestra with conductor Addie MS
At 9 July 2005 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pass off [his/its] child nuptials 2 , Agus Yudhoyono by Anisa Pohan in Palace Bogor.
At 20 November 2006 President of United States George W. Bush pass off political visit to Palace Bogor and come in contact with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. this Brief Visit take place during six clock
Building And column in Palace Bogor
Previous of Palace of Bogor provided with [by] a big garden, what [is] known as [by] a Great Garden [of] Bogor but as according to requirement will center development of science of crop will be tropical, Great Garden [of] Bogor got out of [by] wings of palace in the year 1817.
Palace of Bogor have building of mains with left wing s and also right. Overall of complex of palace reach wide 1,5 hectare.
building of Mains of Palace of Bogor consisted of:
building of Mains of palace function to carry out event of formal political, meeting, and the ceremony
left wing s of Building owning six bed room used for menjamu guest of foreign state
right wing of Building with four bed room only allotment for incoming president pay a visit
In the year 1964 develop;builded special [of] building recognized by the name of Dyah Bayurini as space of health resort of its family and president, this building is inclusive of five separate paviliun
* Personal office of President
* Library
* Messroom
* Meeting hall of Minister and film showing space
* Space of Eagle as place of formal ceremony
* space of Lotus as wing of place of acceptance of state guest
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Space of Eagle
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Personal office of President with century ke-19 painting " The Russian Wedding" by Makowski.
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Space Read President.
Name : Raden Roro Suryaditenaya (27)
Class : 7-H
You close youre eyes.....
And leave me alone.....
You are lost......
And never back contents my days......
I just want you to know.......
You are star in ny life....
And now, let me always loving your heart until the end of my life......
Because I know you always iove me too..........
Love at the first sight
When I fallin love.......
I always think about you.......
First I see You ......
First I see youre smile.......
I belife loveit wouid be forever.
The power of love
Just one.........
Every second.....
Every minutes.....
Every day......
You always in my mind because of you
Love at the first sight......
I think thats all sorry if be wrong my present because I just study.
Thank you and succes for you....
Class : 7-H
You close youre eyes.....
And leave me alone.....
You are lost......
And never back contents my days......
I just want you to know.......
You are star in ny life....
And now, let me always loving your heart until the end of my life......
Because I know you always iove me too..........
Love at the first sight
When I fallin love.......
I always think about you.......
First I see You ......
First I see youre smile.......
I belife loveit wouid be forever.
The power of love
Just one.........
Every second.....
Every minutes.....
Every day......
You always in my mind because of you
Love at the first sight......
I think thats all sorry if be wrong my present because I just study.
Thank you and succes for you....
The last Thursday I`m with my friends go to the Precidential Palace.In precidential palace there are many picture and there are many room. I`m very happy because after that I and my firiends go to the ''Kebun Raya Bogor''. On Kebun Raya Bogor, I playing foot ball with my friends.We eating together on the garden and we very happy.
I think that`s all sorry if be wrong my present, because I just study.
Thank you, and succes for you..
I think that`s all sorry if be wrong my present, because I just study.
Thank you, and succes for you..
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